大天使烏瑞爾 Uriel :獨處!


The nature of solitude is of the nature of stillness. Yet even in stillness there is motion. The rhythm of silence is that which penetrates the Mind to download vectors of higher knowledge.


The ambivalence of stillness and motion mirrors the causal connection to the effectual creation (Cause and Effect). This simply shows that the effect is created from a point of stillness. The point I wish to make is that if you truly wish to create you must find your solitude, that part of stillness within you, that you may through the light of inspiration gifted through the Mind express the desire which the light starts to fashion into your envisaged creation. Do you see that it is from that embraced solitude that the motion of light is discovered and you are now able to use this motion as a tool for manifestation?
在 寂靜和運動的矛盾中反映出因果關係的行之有效的創造(因果效應)。這明白地顯示了所有的結果是從一個靜止的點中被創造出來的。我想指出的是,如果你真的想 去創造,你必須找到你的獨處,在你內的靜止的一部分,你可以憑藉來自“靈性智慧”的天賦的靈感之光來表達願望,光就開始塑造成形你設想中的造物。你看見 嗎?它是來自那個被擁抱的獨處,在其中光之運動被發現,而你現在能夠使用這個運動作為一種顯化工具。


If you desire to find your power you must find your point of stillness.
If you desire answers to life's questions you must find your point of stillness.
If you desire to create you must find your point of stillness.
If you desire to find God you must find your point of stillness.
If you desire to know God you must find your point of stillness.
If you desire to ascend you must find your point of stillness.

来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360100j5kl.html) - 大天使乌瑞儿Uriel——独处!!!_大卫_新浪博客

   Stillness is the library within the Mind. See "Solitude" as a location within the greater locale of the God Mind. It is that place which you must access and gain entry to that you may able to educate yourself. This is the meeting place with your cosmic mind. This is where you interact at a subliminal level; where your consciousness expands into a cosmic reality; where learning is ensconced on the cushion of universal spirit.
靜止是在“靈性智慧”裏面的圖書館。把“獨處” 看作是在神的靈性智慧的更偉大的背景內的一個地點。就是那個地方,你必須接近並且進入你能夠教育你自己的地點。這是一個與你的宇宙靈性聚會的地點。在那裏你們以一種微妙的潛在意識互動;在那裏你的意識擴展成為一個宇宙的實相,在那裏學習被安置在宇宙的神性的坐墊上。


This is your spawning ground, where you merge and marry with your cosmic identity to give birth to different dimensions to you. See yourself as a multi tiered being who multiplies after each union with your cosmic counterpart. This is where your servicing takes place, where the moulding starts and where you become complete.


When you hear the call of "Solitude" I implore you to answer for this is a cosmic call from your creator friend who knows that it is time to merge for your greatest good. As you merge with your cosmic identity your consciousness becomes impregnated; yet you experience a sense of lightness as you leave the sedentary portals of the flesh to experience the silent manoeuvrings of your soul. Yes beloveds, you are then home. Home is that place where comfort and nurturing abounds. It is that place where you are never alone, always looked after and guided. Do you see now the great security that "Solitude" offers you? This is your point of rejuvenation and respite. Are you now impelled to experience that place of abject bounty, the storehouse of all your treasures?
當 你聽到“獨處”的召喚的時候,我懇求你的回應,這是一個來自你的創造者朋友的宇宙呼喚,他知道為了你的最大利益是時候與你融合了。當你融入你的宇宙身份的 時候,你的意識被浸染,然而,當你離開肉體的固著的門戶去經歷你靈魂的寂靜無聲的運動時,你經歷一種輕盈的感覺。是的,至愛者,你就回家了。家就是到處充 滿著安慰和養育的地方。它是那個你永遠也不會感到孤獨,總是受到照顧和指導的地方。你現在明白了“獨處”提供給你的重大的保障了嗎?這是你恢復活力和暫時 休憩之處。你現在被驅使去經驗那個地方的卑鄙的賞金——你所有的財寶的倉庫,不是嗎?

   If you can surrender your conscious mind to the solitude of the God Mind you shall find that the wisdom of truth shall pirouette its way into your consciousness and you become one step closer to knowing and experiencing God. Man spends many lifetimes trying to find God. If only he will accept that God is the silent bell within him, he will find his stillness from which point he can burrow his way through the silence until he clearly hears the chimes of eternity.
如 果你可以使你的有意識的心智臣服於獨處於神的靈性智慧中,你會發現真理的智慧將旋轉著進入你的意識,而你變得更近一步瞭解和經歷神。人類花許多世代試圖找 到上帝。如果他只接受上帝是在他內的寂靜的鐘聲的時候,他會發現他的靜止,從中指示他能夠通過寂靜來探索他的道路,直到他清楚地聽到那永恆的鐘聲。


I am Uriel. I call upon each of you to answer the call of "Solitude" for it is ringing most loudly during these troubled times on your planet.


My peace I render to you.


Arch Angel Uriel thru Hazel大天使Uriel




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