

是人为疾病-贪婪的症状。~by Adama

墨西哥湾阻截突爆钻井平台漏油失败 沿岸生态蒙难

5月19日发布的航拍照片显示 墨西哥湾 深水地平线 钻井平台泄漏.jpg


墨西哥灣生態悲劇 鳥類在油污中痛苦掙扎

鵜鶘正面對著撲面而來的海浪 在黏黏的油垢中掙扎.jpg oilsoakedbird.jpg






【7-8-2010】墨西哥湾漏油事件 ( by Adama )

The Oil Spill
By Eve / Adama of Telos
Jul 8, 2010 – 9:58:09 AM

The Oil Spill
Adama of Telos through Eve

29th June, 2010

Adama来自内部地球。关于漏油事件,可以参看Esu Dialogue #22里CM与Don Hynes的对话。】

Adama, the oil spill. What do you comment?

Oh, Eve, this is utmost disastrous. Well, the cause does not only reach back to BP drillling for oil in the Gulf, but back to the days when the NWO-people put the blocker on Tesla”s work. From the 30s on nobody would have had to drill for oil any more. The cause is actually the decision to keep humanity dependant on oil for the unholy sake of business and money making. BP and Deepwater Horizon are just the symptom of this artificially created disease of greed.


BP和 Deepwater Horizon(译者:“深水地平线”,一种超深水动态定位,半潜式海上石油钻井。)只不过是人为疾病-贪婪的症状。

I cannot describe in words what we from the inner earth feel when we monitor this region and BP cannot avoid this. We go by our vessels of the silverfleet in a covered modus and we document everything there, even the chemicals like Corexit making the damage even worse. The challenge is big for the vessel pilots and our scientists aboard. They are deeply anchored in their divine origin and it”s still hard to stand for them. Most of the persons aboard are under hidden tears while doing their work. They get somehow depressed and nauseated when getting their orders to go there and they call it one of the biggest challenges in their life.
我无法用语言形容我们内部地球的人监测这个地区时候的感觉,英国石油公司无法躲避(我们的监测)。我们利用隐藏模式下银色舰队的船只,记录了海湾地区的一 切,甚至是让破坏加剧的化学制品,如Corexit。

这对于船员和我们的科学家是一个巨大的挑战。他们深深扎根于他们的神圣起源,这仍然很难支撑他们。船 上很多人在工作时默默隐忍着泪水。


I”m sorry to say that still the majority of the surface population is not interested in what”s going on there. They will not be as long as there is this football world mastership and something to buy in the supermarket and these poor minds on the TV-screens faking them that all was fine. It”s really devastating to realize how a few committed ones try to help the planet, while the dull and tranquilized ones go on like before in the thought that the Gulf would be just far away, on the other side of the world, not understanding that this planet is an eco-system in itself – a living organism, and it”s simpy nerd-like to believe that such a tragic desaster would not have the potential to affect every region. The death of millions of life forms in the oceans is just the beginning. Your scientists still speculate about the possible greater results, but we are advanced enough to know about that this scenario has an apocalyptic dimension. I” aware that it”s hard to understand, why CM does not simply decide to put an end to this, why he does not ban the people pouring out chemicals and who block help and deny transparency. Well, he sometimes is a kind of pokerface who does a lot behind the scenes. He”s aware about what is possible to do and what will be the price. Yes, there is superior technique and means for cleaning. Don”t give up hope.
我很遗憾地说,地球上大部分人口仍然不关心那里发生了什么。他们不会关心,只要还有足球世界的支配,只要超市还可以购物,只要电视屏幕上拙劣的头脑还欺骗 着他们一切都很好。


而 无法理解地球是一个生态系统-一个有生命的有机体,人们愚蠢地相信,一个如此悲惨的灾难不可能影响到每个地区。

海洋里数百万生命形式的死亡,仅仅是开端。 你们的科学家仍然推测着可能的更大结果,但是我们足够先进的知道,这个剧本是天启的(:预示大灾祸的)。

我意识到这很难理解,为什么CM不简单地决定终结 这个事件,为什么他不禁止倾倒化学制品的人,以及阻碍支援,拒绝透明度的人。Well,他有时有几分扑克脸(:表面上不动声色),在幕后做大量工作。他知 道什么可能进行,其代价如何。


However, but first, if you count 2 plus 2, the challenge might become harder. You know that the tectonic plates are starting to move, that the earth is shaking, that the seabeds are moving. Deepwater Horizon might just be the beginning, the beginning of receiving the bill for decades of greed and evil to nature and humanity, for the rejection of help and cooperation from starnations which offered such. How many more drilling platforms for oil and gas do you have further on your planet? The forces of nature coming up will easily crack more of these drilling stations and the horror might grow in an exponential way.
然而,首先,如果你计算2加2(:更深远地考虑),挑战可能会变得更加艰巨。你知道,板块将开始变动,地球将摇晃,海床将移动。“深水地平线”可能只是开 端,


你们地球上还有多少钻取石油和天然气的钻井平台?即将到 来的自然力量将轻易地爆裂更多钻井平台,恐惧可能会呈指数增长。

Well, if CM interfered now, what would happen? Even if his vessel showed up, the masses would ignore it, it would be covered by the media of course and in the end the thugs would state that it was them having brought the solution. And the masses would take that as a confirmation that it had never been so bad as the warners did tell.

So, the big question is. How bad does it still have to become until the masses start to get their thinking machinery going and to feel uncomfortable?

I myself wish that the experience of this scenario would have spared me, but I”m here to serve, so I won”t have a choice to avoid that.

When you look into the eyes of the people and watch the footballs disappear, giving room to naked fear, this might be a beginning, it might. It”s still a long long road to the understanding of the masses that nothing else but love and compassion in action can be their destiny. And sometimes it”s tough love.

You are looking at a planet which was meant to be a complete garden of Eden as whole. CM calls this his seed planet. And although we are facing this apocalyptic scenario I”m couraged enough to claim,that it”s exactly a garden of Eden which Urantia is going to be again. The “dark night of the soul” will not last forever and love has many faces. What will finally last is the documentation of love and hope which a small and committed ground crew was able to deliver as a support. And the immense challenge CM took when he decided against a turnover pole flip, but for a chance of cooperation of planet and committed supporters.


当CM决定这个巨大挑 战,相对于磁极反转,更是给地球与其忠诚支持者的一个合作机会。
There is much need to put more public pressure on the people who are responsible for the cover up. BP of course, mainly. They work with lies and a sort of “shut up you”ve got no idea what you are talking about” And of course the New Age business breeds all sorts of ideas to keep people away from real things. Eve was upset about a link where the visitor could move the oil spill by the computer mouse to elsewhere on the planet.

当然,“新时 代”行业滋养了形形色色的思想,让人们远离现实事件。Eve对网上的一个链接感到不安,访客可以用鼠标将石油泄漏转移到地球上的任何别处。

That”s nice, isn”t it? There was a suggestion to move the oil spill to the arctis so that it could freeze up there and be no more dangerous. Beyond of the fact that I consider this idea as incredibly ignorant in regard of lifeforms EVERYWHERE on the planet, that reminds me of one of the jokes you have – it goes… what does the owner of a camping trailer do when he raises in the morning and there is dog-shit in front of his door? Answer: He simply drives a few meters in a direction leading away.
很不错,不是吗?有个提议说将石油泄漏转移到北极,这样就会冻结而不再有危险。我认为,这个想法是对全球各地的生命形式一种难以置信的无知,这提醒了我你 们的一个笑话 – 是这样的…一个人早晨从野营拖车里醒来,看到门口有一堆狗屎,他会怎么做?回答:他只不过远离那堆狗屎,将车开出几米远。

And to believe that moving the oil spill to another place on the planet would be a solution is simply an “out of sight out of mind game”, apart from the fact that it”s useless to do it at the computer and that you could not move the leak in the sea bed… .This thing was just another glueing -idea from the dark agenda. At the end it will be vice versa. You are not moving the oil spill…. the oil spill will be moving YOU! Up on your feet and hopefully in the right direction.
要相信将石油泄漏转移到地球别处也是一种“眼不见心不烦”的解决方式,撇开在电脑上操作根本无效这个事实,你们根本无法移动海床的裂缝…这只不过是黑暗议 程另一个牢牢盯着的主意。最终,反之亦然。


That”s the facts. But I repeat, love is your destiny and may you never forget about. I bless you, all of you who are a blessing to the planet and their fellows, may you never loose your hope, may overcome your depressions, may you be the helping hand wherever you go and may you never forget to realize that there is still beauty around and dear friends like us from the inner earth an from the skies above you. You never walk alone. This is for sure. Heartfelt embraces to all of you dear ones. I Am Adama, your close friend.

我祝福你们,所有祝福这颗星球及其伙伴的人们,希望你们永不放弃希望,希望你们克服沮丧,希望你们 无论走到那里都伸出援助之手,希望你们永不忘记周围的美好,不要忘记我们地心以及天上的朋友就在你周围。

你不曾独自行走。这是肯定的。亲爱的,衷心拥抱你 们。我是Adama,你们亲密的朋友。


Today is Independence Day in the United States
By Christ Michael and Candace
Jul 4, 2010 – 3:09:57 PM

Today is Independence Day in the United States

By Aton thru Candace

July 4th, 2010

Beloved’s, even you who are in training on this world for higher management positions, be it eventual creator sons, or other responsibilities, you must in YOUR LIFE become aware of your own affects on this planet. We are watching in absolute HORROR, my beloveds of the general lack of interest in this oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, not only in the United States but most of the western world, and other “western countries.”

我们看到 了一场十足的悲剧,对于墨西哥湾的石油灾难,我亲爱的孩子们普遍缺乏兴趣,不仅仅在美国,而是大部分西方世界,以及其他“西方国家”。

There is more interest in China beloveds that in your home countries of the western cultures, around this condition in the gulf. We can plug this, it would cause some tsunami activity though and we will not for tis the learning of you ones on the surface about how you have despoiled a planet.

And you my “star seeds” did little yourself in this over the years. Candace is just now remembering the piece she did with Buddha long ago and it might be nice to put that link in this piece, where she and others just sort of gave up.

There are many worried on the planet, just where are the action groups! There are essentially NONE about this spill. Few people are even restricting their use of gasoline, fertilizers, cleaning agents and other products made from the mother’s blood. We see nearly NONE. And it is dreadful to behold from where I sit.

In your DAILY lives you must find the courage to demonstrate better yourselves until I determine it is time to place the planet in stasis, and I can give a hint about when that could happen. It could happen any time the planetary citizens wake up and CRY out for our help, known to them as “GOD.”

I have actually asked the Mother be patient a tad longer while I watch what is going on beneath my very feet and around me. I say this, because I go to and from ship, and so sometimes it’s beneath my feet, and sometimes around me.

The pollution is not just the oil, the greater “pollution” is the lack on concern and normally planetary peoples wake up to what they are doing to their planet before this time. We customarily support the mother planet, or any other orb, for a time while the people wake up and they are NOT waking up. Even the robots should be wary at this time, for it is opportunity for them to come into elementary thinking and earn an adjuster and there are few adjusters and far between right now for these ones. This is some of the reasons I have made some delays, because I would LOVE (and so would Candace) to see a remnant of these ones come into thinking. Candace sees it as an incredible waste, and it is.
污染并不仅仅是石油,更大的“污染”是缺乏关心,一般来说,星球的居民们在此之前就会觉醒到他们对星球做了什么。我们通常会协助母体星球或任何其他星球, 人们暂时醒来,但并没有在觉醒中。此时此刻,即使是“机器人”也应该谨慎,因为这是他们得到基本思考,获得思想调节器的机遇,只有少量的思想调节器,他们 还远不能得到。这是我推迟的一部分原因,因为我(坎迪斯也是)希望看到他们的幸存者开始思考。坎迪斯把这当作一个不可思议的浪费,确实是。(译者:额…机 器人是吧……机器人是人类与机器智能的混合体,没有真正的灵魂,死后以一种星光形式存在于低等星光界域,无论生死,都需要吸食人类的能量为生,他们是地球 扬升需要净化掉的。假如他们得到“父之片段/思想调节器”,可以成为真正的人类。据几年前的信息,地球上一半人口是机器人,现在如何我不知。)

But this is for YOUR learning beloveds, you must at this time connect with your higher estate of being and come into some final actions yourself. For many of the star seeds remain part of the problem. I have in the piece today with Kibo that if you could find your ONENESS with God, this would be long over, and the groups are kept separated and not finding that.

来源:( – 【7-4-2010】今天是美国独立日(by CM)_光與愛_新浪博客

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