
People are to become stewards of the divine spark that exists in all things.
By S333 thru Adam and Esu thru Adam
Sep 1, 2010 - 8:51:37 AM
31 August 2010
David S333 through Adam


Adam: Checking in.
Adam: 报到。

David S333: Good evening, Adam. I am here.
David S333:晚上好,Adam。我在这里。


I am here to discuss with you tonight a third aspect of this battle in which we are engaged. The geophysical and socio-political-economic aspects have been given much attention because they are more easily quantifiable and immediately evident than the spiritual aspect.


Of course lightworkers are aware of this third aspect, but most only consider it in a cursory way or as a reflection of the other two aspects. Generally, lightworkers are not aware of this tendency and it is very easy to be distracted in this way. The geophysical and political seem much more immediate on an everyday basis.


But the spiritual needs some attention as well. This project isn't all about renewing the surface of the Earth and making sure the bad guys get what's coming to them and riding in ships or going to live in crystal cities. These things are incidental to the spiritual evolution underway.


Terrestrial humanity is being tasked with becoming more than physical shells containing a spark of life. People are to become stewards of the divine spark that exists in all things. People, as beings created with free will, are being handed this stewardship that they may create!

Reality is a gigantic clockworks of a sort - the forces of nature do not have free will. Gravity cannot decide on its own one day to reverse itself. An apple tree cannot decide to bear walnuts. The energies and beings you call angels and fairies and devas have their functions and can be nothing else.


But people - people can create! People can potentially become entire universes unto themselves. A person can decide to be more than what he is - or less. In the hands of people, reality itself can become something greater than every before conceived.


There is no language that you have that can convey even the shadow of this idea adequately; suffice it to say that this transition is all about giving Terrestrial humanity some actual responsibility and stewardship in the grand scheme of things.


And do not imagine that in all the systems in all the galaxies in all of creation that the people of Earth are the only ones involved. Oh no! This project is underway in all places in one way or another. Events on Earth are tied to events everywhere across space and even time on a quantum level. Again, there is no way to adequately explain this; it can only be accepted for what it is. If you contemplate this idea you will come to see truth in it.
不要想象在全部的系统,全部的星系,全部的造物中,地球人类是唯一牵涉的。噢,不!这项工程以某种方式在各处进行中。地球上的事件跨越空间,甚至跨越量子 水平的时间,与各处的事件连接。再次,这种思想无法充分解释;它只能按照它之所是而被接受。假如你沉思这种思想,你将看到其中的真理。


The scope and breadth of this project, even the portion of it specific to Earth, is beyond comprehension to people and even daunting to those in higher frequencies. We all have our parts to play and we (yes, even celestials) must trust that the overall plan is being administered as it should be. We can only be concerned with our own area of responsibility. An actor on a stage must focus on his part and trust that the lighting, direction, costuming and other aspects of the play are being attended to, and by the same token we must focus on our own performances as well.
这项工程的范围与广度,甚至仅仅是地球所特有的这部分,都超越人类的理解,甚至令那些更高振动的存有们怯步。我们都有自己的部分去扮演,我们(是的,甚至 是天国人士)必须信任总体规划正依它之所应是而执行着。我们可以只关心我们自己领域的责任。舞台上的一名演员,必须集中于他的角色,并且相信灯光,导演, 服装,以及戏剧的其他方面都正被照管着,同样地,我们也必须集中于我们自己的演出。


There are many beings incarnate on Earth and not-incarnate "near" Earth who are from many other realms. Not only planets in the Pleiades or Sirius systems, but realms that are completely non-human. There are entities living as humans, believing themselves to be completely human, who are fragments or aspects of the creative forces of all reality. There are people who have been deities and dragons (Adam: this is NOT a reference to giant lizards!) who are here to fulfill roles great and small or here only to observe and experience and ultimately to share those experiences in their realms.
有许多从其他界域而来的存有化身在地球,或非-化身在“近”地球。他们不仅来自于昴宿星或天狼星系统的星球,还有完全非人类的界域。有一些实体如同人类一 般活着,相信自己将完全成为人类,他们是一切实相之创造力的片段或方面。有些人曾经是神(deities)与龙(Adam:这不是巨型蜥蜴的参照!),他 们在这里履行或伟大或微小的职责,或者只是在这里观察与体验,并最终在他们的界域分享这些经历。


The Mother of Stars and Father of Life itself has aspects and fragments incarnate in human form upon your world!


These entities bring untold riches of knowledge and power into the collective consciousness of Terrestrial humanity. Imagine the sacrifice and the glory of such a thing!


I bring this to you now so that you may see the importance of the project, the scope of the project and see that there is so much more going on than you realize. This project will transform all of existence, in all its aspects and permutations. Duality and physicality as you know it are to evolve and grow into something else, something greater.


You are on the cusp of an important but preliminary step on that path of evolution. Each of you reading this message is an incalculably important part of the whole, indispensible and unique. Though you feel tired and worn, you have not even begun to tap into the depth of your resources. The defeat of the dark, to which most of you look forward as a goal or endpoint, is just a milestone on a long and winding path! So much wonder awaits!
你们正在演化之旅中一个重要但初步的步骤之尖端上。你们每个阅读此讯息的人,都是整体不可胜数的重要部分之一,不可或缺,独一无二。尽管你感到疲惫与精疲 力竭,你甚至尚未开始发掘你之资源的深度。黑暗的失败,被你们许多人视为目标或终点而期待,而这只是一个漫长而迂回的路径上的一个里程碑!如此之多的奇迹 正等待着!


When you find your strength at low ebb and you feel discouraged, remember these words.


Blessed be.


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