要快樂 !
Message from Archangel Uriel .
2011 is a year of re-adjustment on many levels.
The Financial sector sees a few more shocks , but many banks will be brought to account before the year is out. Key figures in the world of investment, banking or finance, of the likes of Mr Madoff, will emerge and it will be found that they are not quite what they seem. Investment in Energy and energy sources will be at the leading edge. A new energy source will be found. A surprise very large donation to charity by a well known organisation will make front page news.
Governments around the world will be brought more to account and the lack of transparancy will be questioned. Secrets come to light and key figures made to answer for their actions. There will also be disclosures regarding things which were covered up. ‘People Power’ grows. Control of the media by those who have been at the helm will slip and a more positive attitude will emerge. Instead of a constant stream of fear-inducing news items, you will see more of the good things that are happening around the planet.And there are lots of good things happening, they just don’t make the news.
There will be many climate and geophysical disasters. Volcanoes erupt and a tsunami in a new place will be top news. An earthquake will hit a highly populated city causing high death toll. The latter will bring together people from all over the planet who want to help. Global warming has now peaked and what is following is more likely Global COOLING.
Unrest cont inues in the Middle East. International pressure will be brought to bear on Israel. Saudi Arabia makes extraordinary moves towards a more relaxed society. There will be some unrest in one of the states of the UAE, it will cause some panic in the stock markets and some concern among politicians, but it will die down as quickly as it began.
North and South Korea continue to posture and flex their muscles, but the rest of the world will have none of it and the threat of trade sanctions will keep the ‘peace’.
Chinas economic power continues to grow, but with a greater acknowledgement of responsibility towards the environment. Government structures also begin to change in that country. New mineral deposits in Mongolia pushes her towards even more spectacular economic growth.
The European Union makes massive changes in areas of money. There will be stress regarding the survival of the Euro. Holland gives cause for concern, while Germany strides ahead. The U.K , depite the struggles from the ‘cuts’ will make steady progress and the pound will start its return to its strong state of the past.
The USA slips further down the Super Power league and gets more and more left behind. American citizens are going to have to make a lot of very unpopular changes. Obama’s popularity dips as he becomes the scapegoat.
More wars than usual take place in Africa and unrest in South Africa grows to an alarming rate. Russian leadership is likely to change and old ideology tries to make a comeback. A new source of oil could be found in South America.
Those are all things which are happening on the human/physical reality. But on the subtle levels energy is shifting rapidly. New Light frequencies are coming in from the central Sun of the galaxy and the pace of spiritual growth quickens. It is because of this quickening of energy that unrest occurs . Those who are not aware and whose vibrational frequencies are unable to cope with what is happening become agitated as they feel something but don’t know what is going on.
More and more people turn towards understanding the spiritual aspect of life and existence, and the revelations and discoveries of Quantum Physics will help open peoples eyes to more understanding of reality. Science will be the key to peoples understanding of other dimensions, the connectedness of everything and the continuance of life after so-called ‘death’.
The magnetic energy of the planet undergoes immense change, this in turn affects humankind as humans are magnetic fields. This magnetic shift will make a lot of people more psychic but others will feel agitated and confused. In this coming year, the best thing to do is to be aware that change is happening, have quiet times. Meditate. Tune in to your angels. Connect with your own Higher Self and do not let your ego call the shots. The ego will be the part of you which is likely to panic or to be confused, if you operate from your Higher Self and keep centered you will ride the storms of the coming times.
Above all, live in the moment . Make the best of each day and do all you can to lift your vibrations. Do not entertain fear. Be positive. Know that the angels and the Divine light is with you at all times. Be aware too, of your own Divinity. Claim your inherent power.
Be happy !
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