We listen to your calls to us, for us to show you waysand give you guidance as to how you can make your difficult ventures in thelower vibrations a little bit easier. Every thought is a prayer, and is itselfan energetic transmission that we receive as soon as it is directed at us. Wereceive your thoughts and prayers for a better Life and for an easier ride inthe lower dimensions, and as we feel your pleas, we make the call for you toview all events that occur in your Lives from a Loving, detached perspective.When you see a date dropped or hear of a miraculous event said to manifest,allow the scenario presented to anchor itself into your personal energeticfield, which will help make you a vessel for the scenario’s energies ofCreation to come through.
我們聽到你們的呼聲,呼喚我們向你們展 示前方的道路,給你們引導,這樣你們可以在低振動層次的困難旅行中獲得稍微的喘息。每個思想都是一個祈禱者,只要這能量指向我們,我們立刻能感受到那能量。我們收到你們的思想和期盼,期盼好些的生活,期盼在低緯度層次中的旅行可以稍微容易些。我們感受到你們的祈禱,我們呼喚你們用愛,超然的方式看待發生 在你們生命中的事情。當你們看到某個日期靠近,或者聽到某個奇跡般的時間將要展現,請允許這個概念深深地錨固在你們個人的能量場中,這會幫助你們通過傳送能量的方式促進這一系列事件的發展。
Scenarios and predictions are presented before you in aneffort to get you to Create the possibility of the scenario presentedhappening. We ask you to think and feel upon the miracles that events such asdisclosure and our presence among you will bring, but you must Create thesescenarios yourselves or they will never manifest. Here in the higher realms,anything manifests instantly through thought and feeling, though of course itis not as easy to manifest things in the lower dimensions. The events you havebeen reading and hearing about that have been predicted to manifest, are verybig events that will have far-reaching consequences and will take a lot ofcollective manifestation effort to happen.
我們將一系列預言,計畫擺在你們面前,是為了 給你們將這些機會實現的可能性。我們請求你們去想,去感覺這些奇跡,比如大揭露,或者我們出現在你們中間,但是你們自己也必須參與在其中,否則這些計畫不會實現。在高緯度領域,任何事情通過思想和感覺可以迅速變為現實,儘管在低緯度空間這一點並不容易做到。你們正在看,正在聽的一系列事件,是非常大的事 件,它們都有極其深遠的影響,因此他們需要很多集合意識的努力才能實現。
The problem with this has been that when predictions aregiven to you, instead of you uniting to make the predictions manifest, wenotice that you form back into your old ways of duality; splitting yourselvesup between those who believe the prediction is ‘real’ and those who believe itis not genuine. This collective expression of separation is what has beenholding you back in the avenue of manifesting predicted events.
Instead of uniting and putting your energies fully into aprediction occurring, you instead pour all of your energies into proving thatthe event is either legitimate or a fraud. Those who do not believe the eventor prediction is real are in many cases the ones who can cause the most harm tothe event’s manifestation.
Remember dear souls, there is no such thing as concrete‘real or ‘fake’ dualities here in the higher realms. Everything just is, andeverything one can ever think of or possibly imagine already exists. This is infact true also with the lower dimensions. It is simply your beliefs in suchconcrete dualities that make them real. Even the most recent predictions thatmany dismissed as being illegitimate, are certainly real events that exist andthat manifested in another reality on Earth.
請 記住,親愛的靈魂們,在更高維度,沒有絕對真實,或者虛假的二元概念。所有事情都僅僅是“這件事”。每件事情,當人們開始去思考或者甚至去想像他們的時 候,它們已經存在了。這條法則實際上在低緯度空間也是存在的。只是你們絕對性的二元世界思考方式使二元世界變成了現實。即使最近很多人認為是錯誤,並因此 而放棄的預言,在和你們目前地球平行的世界中其實也是真實的。
In another reality, on another plane of existence theevent that was said to transpire did in fact manifest, and this was because thesouls inhabiting that plane of Earthly reality put all of their effort and allof their manifestation powers into the event manifesting and as such,disclosure has broken through in that reality quite a bit; more than it has inthe reality you currently inhabit.
Those who believed the predictions were real could havealso caused a bit of harm on their own, because while believing the scenariowas going to manifest, many still did not pour much of their energies into itactually manifesting. There were others who ‘sat on the fence’ and thought tothemselves that perhaps the prediction could be real and perhaps it would notbe, and when doing so the possibility of the event manifesting shrunk, becausenot enough faithful and Creative energies were being put into itsmanifestation.
那些相信預言是真實的人們也會對此造成些許負面影響,因為儘管他們相信這些計畫會完成,他們 並沒有將他們的能量注入並促使這些事件真正的完成。很多人還像騎在牆頭的草一樣,一面對自己說,這可能是真的,一面又對自己說,這可能不是真的。當他們這 麼做的時候,事件進展的可能性會減小,因為沒有足夠創造性的能量被注入從而促使事件進行並完成。
With a Loving yet detached perspective, one can know notto blindly hope that an event of such grand proportions would manifest, andrather than slandering the events possibility, one would instead do all theycan to Create the event manifesting, as work must be done on your part foranything to happen on your world. Even with the endgames playing themselves outcurrently, your energies of Light and of Creation are desperately needed.
當人們帶著一種充滿愛且超然的想法看待這整件事的時候,他們會知道不要盲目地指望著這樣大的事件會 自己完成,他們不會誹謗事件的可能性,相反,他們會盡自己全力去創造,從而促使事件完成。因為在你們世界中的事情必須有你們的參與才能完成。即使遊戲的結 局自己在慢慢展開,你們的光和創造性能量在這個特殊時刻是被極度渴望的。
You have always decided the events that manifest onEarth. Wherever you find yourself at this very moment, you are thereexperiencing what you are because you intended and Created it to be so. Nooutside entity can be blamed for the current state you find yourselves in, collectivelyand individually; only you can. The reason so many are [seemingly] stuck insuch difficult and painful situations, is because you have not realized howpotent and powerful your energies of Creation really are, and you have letyourselves fall out of balance immensely, which serves to Create the unbalancedstate that many of you find yourselves in.
你們總是可以決定發生在地球 上的事情。不管你們發現自己在這個時刻處在什麼位置,你們所經歷的事情是因為你們想將它們創造為這個樣子。你們不應該譴責任何任何外界力量將你們送入目前 的狀態,不管是以集合的方式或者個體的方式,造成這樣的原因是你們自己。很多人陷入在如此困難痛苦的境地(至少看起來是),這是因為你們並沒有意識到你們 創造性的能量到底有多大,多重要。你們讓自己陷入極度失衡的狀態,這種失衡加劇了下一步失衡,一步步,你們創造了你們目前所處在的不平衡的狀態。
Imbalanced energies are a very serious thing, and whenyou knowingly or unknowingly let yourselves fall out of balance, you arehanding over you Creation abilities to those parts of yourselves based in thelower vibrations, who will use your imbalance to help you Create furtherimbalanced, stressful and frustrating situations. It is a vicious cycle as onceyou let yourselves fall out of balance, the unbalanced and stressful eventswill manifest in your Lives, which will cause further stress and imbalance inyour being, which feeds the cycle and keeps you experiencing difficulty.
不平衡的能量是非常嚴重的事情,當你們以一種自知或不知的狀態下讓自己陷入不平衡,你們正在將自己的創造性能量拱手 交給處於低振動頻率的自己,它會利用你們不平衡的能量創造進一步不平衡的,充滿壓力,充滿沮喪情緒的自己。這是一個惡性循環,因為一旦你們讓自己陷入不平 衡狀態,不平衡,充滿壓力的事件會持續在你們的生活中出現,從而進一步加劇你們的壓力,進一步讓你們失去平衡,繼而促使這惡性循環的產生,讓你們持續經歷 痛苦和困難。
You have the choice at any time to break this lowerdimensional cycle and start a cycle of your own, a cycle that will Create basedon what you truly want, not what your unhappy ego wishes you to want. At anymoment, it simply takes making a real effort to feel only joy and happiness andto not let the lower and dense emotions get you ‘down’ and keep you feeding thecycle of the lower vibrations. It is much easier said than done, as we havenoticed that once you are fully immersed in the cycle of unhappy Creations, itis like trying to swim to the surface of quicksand in an almost literalenergetic way.
你們在任何時 候都可以選擇從低緯度迴圈中脫離,開始自己的迴圈,一個基於你們真正想要的東西的迴圈,而不是"不快樂的自我"期望你們去想的迴圈。在任何時刻,一個簡單 的努力方向的選擇可以讓你們感受到快樂和開心,而不是感受低維度空間的高密度的感情 - 一遍遍加深你們低振動層次迴圈的感情。說起來容易做起來難,因為 我們注意到一旦你們完全沉浸在不快樂的創造迴圈中,想要從中抽身就像嘗試從表面不斷下陷的沙坑中爬出一樣困難。
The lower vibrations are very dense, and very hard tonavigate in. This is why we have not yet been able to meet with you on thesurface on Earth; this and many other reasons. When you as a collective arefeeling low, frustrated and dense [and in many cases you feel this way becauseof ‘failed’ predictions which you were unable to manifest] we are furtherunable to be with you as we have no desire or wish to inhabit the lowerdensities and struggles that you are going through. If we wished to feel that,we would incarnate on the [Earth] surface!
低振動層次的空間密度 是非常高的,在其中你們很難找到方向。這也是為什麼我們至今為止仍無法在地球表面和你們見面的原因之一。當你們作為集合意識感覺到沮喪,難過的時候,我們 更無法靠近你們,因為我們不希望在低緯度空間感受你們正在經歷的困難所產生的低維度能量(很多時候,你們感受到這些情緒是因為預言沒有實現,事實上預言不 是沒有實現,而是你們的集合力量沒有強到讓它們實現)。如果我們希望感受這些情緒,我們就會選擇轉生在地球表面上了!
The exposure of the various dark families who controlmuch of your world will be brought about before we will be able to be with you.Indeed, what you know as the extraterrestrial disclosure announcements willhappen, but they will not happen until a full exposure of the dark on yourworld and all they have done to you, the base of which has been theirmanipulation and control of fraudulent financial systems, is exposed to theworld.
The reason for this is because we anticipate quite a bitof collective anger once these revelations come to the fore, and indeed evenmany of you who are beginning to be exposed to what have been called the mostsacred secrets on your world, are realizing just how controlled and manipulatedyour world has been. We have felt anger arise in many of you as you read aboutthe various activities of the Illuminati; imagine such anger on a worldwidelevel.
這麼做的原因是,一旦這種揭露完成,我們預期會有很多憤怒情緒的集體意識產生,實際 上,即使很多剛開始瞭解到你們世界高度機密的人們也僅僅剛開始意識到你們的世界處在怎樣的控制和欺騙下。我們感覺到你們中的很多人瞭解到光照派家族的種種 惡性時產生的憤怒情緒,想像一下在全世界範圍這些惡行的曝光會產生多大的憤怒。
Many are going to be upset, and we anticipate a bit of arough period on the surface of Earth as far as anger at [much of] the upperclass and those who have ‘run things’ will go. Do not fear, ever, dear souls,because following this brief period of collective realization and then anger,will come the more deeply-hidden revelations and the revelations that many onyour world would currently never believe. Included in such revelations will beour existence and presence around your world for longer than your recordedhistory. All of the ‘secrets’ of Atlantis, Lemuria and the various otheradvanced societies that existed before your recorded time will be disclosed,and you will be let know of your true history. When we say this, we mean it inways that you cannot currently grasp fully.
很 多人會感到焦慮,我們預期地球的表面會經歷一段困難時期,因為對於上層階級,以及那些操縱者們的憤怒需要釋放。請永遠不要害怕,親愛的靈魂們,因為在集體 意識瞭解到這一系列事件,並且憤怒釋放完畢之後,緊隨而來的是更深層的揭露,這種揭露在你們世界中的很多人做夢都沒想過。這揭露之中包括我們的存在,以及 我們在你們的世界中的存在的時間已經遠超你們最早的歷史記錄這個事實。所有關於亞特蘭蒂斯,拉米尼亞,以及很多別的在你們有歷史記錄之前的高等社會會被揭 示。你們會知道你們真正的歷史。當我們談到這點,我們指的是你們目前無法完全掌握的部分。
The souls involved in exposing the Illuminati familiesare souls who do in fact know the entire, complete and true history of Earthand Her peoples, dating back to times way before the days of Atlantis andLemuria. Some souls who are our allies are themselves the [direct] descendantsof extraterrestrials, and are able to take on Lives that extend the averagebody’s lifetime. What we are saying is that many of our allies in the Lightedfamilies are themselves ‘extraterrestrials’, and Live much, much longer thanthe average person on Earth.
參與揭露光照派家族的靈魂們實際上是那些知道 地球,以及她的居民們完整歷史的靈魂們,他們瞭解的歷史比亞特蘭蒂斯和拉米尼亞文明更久。我們的盟友中很多靈魂是本身就是外星居民的直系後代,他們可以擴 展身體的壽命。我們所說的是,我們的很多在光之家庭的盟友們本身來自“外星”,他們的壽命比地球上人們的壽命長很多,很多。
Some may see the revelation that there areextraterrestrials Living on your world as quite a shock, and we understand whythis is so but we must inform you that you are all ‘extraterrestrials’. Indeed,there are souls who are native to Earth, but the DNA matrix of the generalpopulation contains the DNA of what you would brand ‘extraterrestrials’. A fewof your races were genetically engineered when Created and are not the productof natural physical evolution. However, your souls are 100% organic so tospeak, and your ascension processes and spiritual as well as physicalevolutions are carried within the universal DNA of your souls, and your bodiesmake a copy of this encoded DNA when your souls inhabit [them]. Your bodiesrespond to the upgrades of energy being sent through the newly-activated andbrought online DNA strands of the soul.
“你 們的世界有外星生命”這件事可能會讓一些人感到非常震撼,我們理解這種震撼的原因,但是我們必須告訴你們,你們所有人都是“外星生命”。實際上,確實有地 球本地的靈魂,但是絕大多數人所擁有的DNA是如假包換的“外星”DNA。你們中的一些種族被創造的時候經過了基因改造,而不是自然進化的產物。然而,你 們的靈魂是100%正宗,沒有經過改造的,也因此,你們的物理身體和靈魂的提升是和你們來自宇宙的DNA的提升一起進行的。當你們的靈魂寄宿在身體裡時, 你們的身體複製了這些加密的DNA。通過對新啟動的靈魂的DNA進行回應,你們的身體會對升級後的能量做出反應。
Obviously, the process is much more complicated andcomplex than that but we can sense our scribe’s energy levels getting low andso we will leave you with one final package of information to ponder. Imagineif right now, you were able to travel deep within yourself, find those aspectsof yourself that are based solely in peace and inner-harmony, and bring suchpeaceful aspects of yourselves out, to the surface you.
很明顯,這個 過程比以上我們所描述的複雜得多,但是我們可以感受到傳輸我們話語的媒介的能量正在降低,所以我們在離開前留給你們最後一個資訊包去思考。請想像,如果現 在,你們可以在你們的內心深處旅行,找到各式各樣的自己,他們都基於平靜和內心的和諧,請將這種和諧帶出來,帶到你們的表面。
Imagine if you could truly find it in yourselves tocompletely break the chains of duality and of the lower dimensions. It will notbe easy, but it is absolutely possible and is in fact what you have beenworking on with your ascension processes. You have been working on findingLove, true and pure Love and to do so, you must be willing and able tocompletely cut off the cycle of the lower dimensions, which will stay ongoingin you if you let them.
想像如果你們可以真的找到你們自己,並完全打斷二元世界的枷鎖,低緯度空間的枷鎖。這並不容易,但是完全可能 的,你們在提升的過程中一直在進行這項工作。你們正致力於找到愛,真正的,純淨的愛,為了完成這個目標,你們必須有意願,並且成功地切斷低緯度空間的迴 圈,如果不這麼做,它們會繼續存在在你們的深處。
You must be willing to at every single step, at everysingle temptation for anger, every temptation to start the lower cycle back up,you must be willing to confront your angers, frustrations and fears head on,explore inside of yourselves in a Loving and detached way why you are feelingthe way you are, forgive yourselves and any other involved for any negativeenergies around or attached to one’s emotions, absorb and integrate the lessonsand the energies behind them, and move on.
你們必須願意,在每次體驗到憤怒的時候,在低緯度迴圈回來的時候, 你們必須有意願大膽面對你們的憤怒,沮喪和恐懼。大膽前行,探索充滿愛的你們的內心,從你們所習慣的感受之路脫離,寬恕自己,寬恕這些負面能量所粘結的人 們,將這些能量和你們學到的課程吸收,打包,然後前行。
This will start in yourselves a whole new cycle, a cycleof such high and Lighted proportions that if kept to and kept fed with Loving,happy and united energies, you would find your Lives getting easier and easierand indeed, more joyful and fun to Live.
Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.
通靈者:Wes Annac-