The Invisible Movie (Music Video) - In The Sun
. 1364
唐娜德蘿莉:神聖的歌曲 WMV (60 MB)
MP4(80 MB)
I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in
May god's love be with you
May god's love be with you
I know i would apologize if i could see your eyes
'cause when you showed me myself i became someone else
But i was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
I picture you fast asleep
A nightmare comes
You can't keep awake
May god's love be with you
May god's love be with you
'cause if i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
I don't know anymore
What it's for
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun
Will you help me to understand
'cause i been caught in between all i wish for and all i need
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for
Any more than me
May god's love be with you
May god's love be with you
if i find,if i find a way
how much will love fine
if i find,if i find a way
how much will love fine
Donna De Lory 來自美國,身兼歌手、詞曲作者、製片人和音樂家等多重身份。在她的生命中大部分時間是活躍在美國的流行樂界頂端。她被歌迷熟識是從麥當娜多次巡迴演唱會中,麥姐曾這樣評價她:「我很羨慕她的聲音,她的作品深深打動著我!」但是,Donna De Lory並不滿足於此。在隨後的職業生涯中,她受到了世界音樂的影響,開始學習亞洲舞蹈,添加梵文吟唱她的曲目。她的音樂跨越流派,她的歌詞唯美浪漫,她的歌聲也必將跨越年代。
2009年3月24日,Donna 在 Ajna Music 廠牌下發表了最新專輯《Sanctuary庇護所》。這是張梵語吟頌唱片,帶有一定的概念性質。創作靈感來自於印度虔誠的音樂和舞蹈節拍。再加上西方流行音樂和梵文歌詞的結合,雖是獨一無二,但卻一樣顯得自然流暢。她的聲音富有情緒力量,迷人又激情,優雅而親切,讓人不禁想起 Janis Joplin 和清晰版的Enya。有跡象表明,她的音樂將繼續演變,像這種古印度咒語和現代節奏的東西合璧只是她邁出的第一步。