

将来人类会进入一个叫做“抉择的时刻(Time of Choice)”的时期。其实每个人 眼下 都在对自己所想要的未来进行着自己(潜意识)的选择.~ ~~米利亚姆.德利卡多 Miriam Delicado

they said that we would come into this Time of Choice, and that was the first part.

现在,回到外星接触的问题上,他们(ETs)说 我们 (整个地球)将要进入这个“抉择的时刻”,那是告诉我的第一部分信息.

One of the second things that they said is that during this Time of Choice a lot of people would become crazy. And let me tell you, if you know people around you... they’re losing their minds! I’m going to tell you why they’re losing their minds and it’s going to get a little bit technical.

他们说的第二部分信息之一是:在这次“抉择时刻”的时期中,很多人会变得疯狂。让我来告诉你们,如果你们了解你周围的人...他们正在失去他们的理智 ! 我将会告诉你们他们为什么正在失去理智,这会涉及一点点技术性的东西.

When I take responsibility for myself, I basically raise the vibrational level of my physical body and my spiritual body, combined -- those two things.


When I walk out into the world, and I’m walking around here at the conference and you maybe walk up to me and you feel something, that’s that energy that I’m letting flow through me. And you do it as well; every single person does. It flows through us and it’s like walking along and letting droplets fall beside you. It’s drops of my energy that are melting into yours, and with that energy comes information.

当 我走出去,进入这个世界,绕走在这个会场,如果你走近我,你会感到些什么东西,那是我让其流经身体的能量.其实你也在那样做(让某种能量流经身体);每一 个人都会那样做。当它流过身体,你感到就像沿着很多飞沫走,同时飞沫在你身边落下.我身上的飞沫(滴状物)落下来消散在你的身体中,而且随着这能量带给了 你信息.

So every single person here is being responsible and making a difference just by sitting in this room and listening to these speakers, because every time you are with other people, you are sharing your knowledge here.

所以这儿的每一个人仅仅 坐在这间房间里听这些演讲者讲话的同时,就正在负起一种责任 并会 作出某种影响——,因为每当你与他人呆在一起,你就在与其分享着你的知识和所知道的.

So don’t panic and think that you need to tell everyone everything all the time – because I get this from a lot of people: I want to tell everybody. It’s not necessary. You show them who you are through your actions, through your emotions, through your physical body, through your spiritual self. That’s how you make a change.

所以请不要惊慌/恐慌于什么;你可能会始终想着自己必须告诉每个人这一切:(想着:)“我想要告诉 所有人”- 因为这是我从很多人那里得到的(确认了的信息) ——— 其实没有这个必要 !
你(只需要)通过你的动作行为、你的情感/情绪、你的物质身体以及你的精神自我(自我意识)来向他们展示 你是谁 (你的自我).这样你就能作出改变(影响别人).

The reason that people are going crazy is because if you have a person who is not willing to make this change along with us, who wants to stay in a really materialistic world and wants nothing but five cars and the super-mansion and so forth, well, they’re not going to be accepting this energy very well and it’s going to drive them a bit mental.

人们在变得发狂的原因是   因为 入股你身边有这样的人:他不愿和我们一起做任何改变,他想要呆在这个真正的唯物主义的世界里,他只想要 5辆车 、一座豪宅等等,那么,这样的人们就不会很好地接收上述所说的那种能量,并且这会驱使他们变得有一点发狂.

So what we need to do is we need to have patience with the people around us. This was a really big point that these ETs made with me, is that during this particular time that we’re going through... and this is going to be over the course of several years, by the way. This is not going to be ending next year; it’s not going to be ending in 2012. It’s going to be over the course of the next 10, 15, 20 years. So buckle down because this is just the beginning.

所以我们需要做的就是对身边的人保持耐心.这些 ET和我谈妥的重要的一点是,在这个我们即将经历的这段特殊时期...顺便说一下:这个过程是要持续几年时间的——不会明年就结束,2012年也不会就是 最终的结局,而是要经历接下来的10年,15年或者20年的进程/过程.所以请开始全力以赴地做事吧,因为这仅仅才是个开始。
You are the people who are going to lead the others into this new world that we’re walking into. So we need to take care of ourselves spiritually. We need to take care of ourselves mentally, but with the knowledge. It sounds really simple, doesn’t it, but it makes a huge impact.

你(-觉醒的人),就是引导其他人走进新世界的人.因此我们需要在精神上照顾好自己.我们需要在 心理上 / 智力上 照顾好自己,而不是一味地给自己 装 物质的 知识.听起来似乎很简单,不是么?但其实它(精神力)会造成极大的影响.


These individuals, their physical bodies may have been born here and have come from here, but their actual DNA and structure and form[s] of the human body came from what I call “the last world.” If you would like to call it Atlantis, or if you would like to call it Lemuria or so forth, you go ahead; I’m not going to get into it because, you know what? Quite frankly, it is not important.

这些个体,他们的物质身体可能是生于这儿也来 自这儿(现世的地球),但是他们实际的DNA和人体结构和形态却是来自于   (我所称呼的)“最后的世界”,你也可以称其为“亚特兰提斯(文明)”或者你愿意称其为“雷穆里亚(文明)”(也有译作:列莫里亚)等等都可以,随便你怎 么称呼;我不会陷入那个(区分哪个文明的套子里),因为,你知道么?坦白地讲,这个并不重要.

What is important is that these people, these indigenous people from around the world, when they originally came to this world, [they] were the first people on this Earth. And that they were allowed to come here because they were given an opportunity to come.

而重要的是 这些人 - 这些来自世界各地的土著人 – 他们起初就是来自这个世界的,他们是地球上最初的一批人类。 而且他们是被 允许 才来到这里的, 因为 他们被给予了一个来的机会.

They were asked: Do you want to come and be taken off the planet while we cleanse it of these negative forces that have taken over? They came and they’re the stewards of this land, this Earth. They’re the caretakers, the original caretakers.

他们当初被问及:“你想来(地球)、并且愿意 当我们净化其上接管世界的负面势力的时候 被带离这个星球吗?”


你知道么?地球上每一个人都叫做“人类”(生物学意义上的人),所以说如果我们想要 作出什么改变,就需要诚邀 每一个人 都参与进这个圈子来.

为了开始致力于这个“伟大的集结”,我是等了很长时间了,因为那正是我被(ETs)指示要做的事情,那就是与人们交谈,让他们知道   这个 伟大的 集结 将会很快在世界范围内发生.

并且这个   大集结 不用你说些什么.他们只是须要和平地集结起来,并且声明:“我们想改变这个世界.”

之后许多聚集开始在世界各地发生,就像一个 值夜警戒。我相信我感受到了一场变革的发生 因为我的第一直觉绝对就是 战争,世界性的战争.然而随着这场集结在世界范围内一发生,我就想到:

So we minimized the impact on ourselves by creating those gatherings around the world and I know this – for myself, I know this.
因此我们   通过在世界范围内创立那些集结来减少(恐怖事件等负面事物)对我们的冲击(影响) ,我自己知道这个 —— 我就是知道.


其实ETs和世界各地的人都有接触,他们 告诉地球上的人们这些信息.他们说时间到了;这些可能的大变动、大灾变,这些可能的地震、火山(爆发)以及你们所称的太阳耀斑(爆发)等 可能就要发生了.

But I really want to stress something to you: We have the ability as a human being to stop all of that! We have the ability to create with our minds what we want.


See, you can focus on your financial situation, you can focus on your home [and] you can focus on the fact that you’re not sure where your job’s going to come to – but please do me a favor and focus on what it is that you want in the world.


It’s not going to be about money. It’s not going to be about power. It’s going to be about the human being again, so you need to focus in on the heart and know that we’re moving back into that time.


There’s a vast amount of areas that I can talk about. You want to talk about the science? I can talk about the science. You want to talk about the… [Her comment about she needs to stop walking around for the cameraman deleted] I can talk about the way that the crafts are run and some of that technology, but what does it do for you? Tell me. All of these different technologies are out there: zero-point energy, this kind of energy. There’s so much talk about that. You now what? There’s not a single area in your life that doesn’t absolutely reflect right back to these ETs.

我能谈很多很多的领域.你们想谈论科学么?我就能跟你们谈谈科学.我可以谈谈 飞船飞行的方式 以及其他这方面的科学。但是你知道了这些有什么用呢?请告诉我.所有这些与众不同的科技、技术一直就摆在那儿:那就是 零点能——这种能量类型.关于这类能源的讨论已经很多了.你们知道么? 在你的生活中,没有哪种单一的领域不完全真实地反映在这些外星人的生活中.(意思就是这些外星人有的科技,其实我们都有,只不过不成熟)

Food production – the way that we’re planting our food – and what’s happening with it right now may have come from somewhere that is not a positive source, through genetic manipulation of seeds.


Get your seeds, your heritage and heirloom seeds, so that we can continue to grow our own food. That process is being shut down all around the world and we need to be very, very careful of what it is that we’re doing with our own food production because our waters are being taken away. Our food is being taken away. Our rights.

请用你们自己的种子——你们传统的或祖代相传下来的种子,这样我们就能继续种植/ 栽培 我们自己的粮食.转基因粮食正在世界各地停止生产,而我们需要仔细地注意到 关于 处理眼下我们的粮食生产的事实真相,因为我们被带走了水资源,被拿走了食物.我们的权利呢?


Think about what you can do to your home to help the environment. Think about what you can do in your back yard to plant some food so you don’t have to buy it. Think about what you can do to your car for biofuels – and I’m not talking about corn-crop biofuels, because there’s new technologies out there that we all need to get on.

请你想一想你能为自己的家庭做点什么 ,想一想怎么帮助外界。想一想你在你的后院怎样种植一些食物,这样你就不用再从外面买食物了。想一想你对你生物燃料的车能做点什么_我不是在谈论玉米作物的生物燃料,因为那里有新的技术,利用他们我们所有人都可以(独立)生活下去.

We need to take action in any way possible and we need to take action together.



,我只需要提升/提高 我自己,你知道提升自我吗? 这样我就不需要确认谁的话是对是错了。

AM 1: I know I asked a question before, but why, in your opinion, did they choose you to contact? And do they want more people to be contacted or do they want more people to continually, actively spread this message?


MD: Yes. Why was it that I was (quote) “chosen”? Am I special? No. [laughs]

MD:“是的。(——对于后一个问题的回答)至于为什么被‘选中’?难道我很特殊么?不是! [笑]

What I was is... I’m an individual. I’m at least in part a human being, probably more than ET, but I believe I have ET DNA in me. My family lineage will go all the way back to the beginning of human life and the creation of these bodies. This is one of the reasons why certain families will have ET contact from generation to generation.

“我 是……我仅仅就是一个人而已。我至少部分地(/在某种程度上)是一个人,或许相比(我所接触的)外星人,我更接近是一个人,但我相信我体内有着ET DNA(外星人的DNA)。我的家族血统将一直追溯到人类生命之初或者说是人体创造之初。这就是为什么这些特定的家庭会代代 都 有外星接触经历的 原因之一.

So it’s not the individual. It’s whether or not the physical body is strong enough to able to withstand the higher vibrational frequency of what it is that’s coming through. So, did that answer it a little bit? [to audience member] Darrell?



第二个太阳(Second Sun)

MD: I was told that a star would appear in the sky for all of man to see. Nothing or no one would be able to hide its presence from the world, and it would be a sign to the people that the end was near.

MD:“我被告知,一颗恒星会在天空中出现,所有人都会看到。没有任何事、任何人能够对世界隐藏/隐瞒住 它的存在,并且她是给人们(时代的)结束临近的一个符号/标志.(意思是:当世界看到它的时候,就说明离这个时代的结束不远了)

What it means is that we are in a window, a time, a Time of Choice, and we have very limited... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say limited. We have a number of years, not months but years, before these great changes take place... if they do, because humanity has the ability to change any of these cataclysms that might take place.

“这就意味着我们在一扇窗户里,一段时间, 一个“抉择的时刻”,我们有着非常有限的(时间)……对不起,我不该说 “有限”这个词。如果这次重大的转变发生,那么之前我们还会有许多年--不是几个月而是几年的时间……因为人类有能力去改变任何可能发生的大灾变。


So when you meditate, the only requirement is to be able to be comfortable, to ground yourself, protect yourself with light, and ask your guides to come to you, whoever it is that they happen to be.


But they are contacting you in a dream, in a vision, in a feeling, in many of these different ways and they may be coming to you in your meditations and you don’t even know it.


卡米洛特ET接触者 译】意识觉醒—集结号吹响!觉醒吧,人类! 

ET接触者:米利亚姆.德利卡多 2009年9月19日







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