
摘錄自 【7-4-2010】今天是美国独立日(by CM)

I Am seeing more and more people getting generally worried and praying to God to help out, in their miserable lives, but God helps those who help themselves, remember???? God will help you along, but you must move your own engine FIRST. God does not do it for you. You on earth in general have got to recognize that all together you are God and that is not seen. So the GOD of earth, remains quite an uniformed and useless being, in that sense.


你们地球上的人类一般来说需要认识到,你们全体就是上帝,但你们尚未认识到。所以在这个意义上,地球上的上帝,仍然是穿着 制服但没有任何助益的存在。

All of you who read here, need to find your courage in your day to day lives. You must prepare and we know most of you have NOT. I have delayed a bit yet, just for YOU to prepare and you must prepare in two ways for the coming cataclysms before stasis, by stocking up appropriately because the stores will run short quickly. LET OTHERS LAUGH AT YOU, dear ones. For you shall have the last Laugh, as this progresses. SHOW the way. You do not have to say, Will Christ Michael Aton told me too. Do it because say, you fear the effects of the oil spill, there are extreme weather issues and with your good Christian neighbors, how about, IT’s THE END TIMES and there is increasing changes and you just want to be prepared and be able to take care of your children, or mothers and fathers, or the neighbors and the like. (Candace: will some of them will think Jesus is going to rapture them out before it gets bad, and if this is what they wish to believe, well they too shall learn otherwise. I worry more than a bit about those ones expecting Jesus on the White Horse. )

我已经推迟了一些,只为了让你们做准备,你们必须为停滞期之 前即将来临的剧变做好两方面准备,适当地储存必需品,因为商店将迅速耗尽。

让其他人嘲笑你们吧,亲爱的,因为随着一切进展,你将笑到最后。给别人指路。你 不必说,CM告诉我的。

你可以说,你担心石油泄漏的影响,现在有许多极端天气问题,而对于你们的基督徒好邻居,这样说如何?–这是末日时代,变化越来越 多,你希望做好准备,以照顾好你的孩子们,或者父母,或者邻居之类。

(坎迪斯:可能有人以为耶稣会在事情变糟之前带给他们狂喜,如果这就是他们希望相信 的,他们会学习到的。我十分担心那些期盼着耶稣乘着白马而来的人。)

That is enough to show the way and if they laugh, too bad. Oh your wife or husband will not support this???? Well, where is YOUR strength in your relationship. Do it anyway. For they will NOT be disappointed at the appointed times.

When the oceans roar, and the fury begins, shipping and air flight will rapidly end. Goods from across the seas will not arrive. Local supplies will quickly be used up and may even be undeliverable in some cases, and those of you who will not store dry and canned goods at this time, will watch your own families suffer the consequences. Now put off the afternoon movies, and the extra things you purchase and do not need and buy food, toilet paper, candles, lanterns not needing batteries, possibly gas camp stoves and gas to run them.

当海洋咆哮,骚乱开始,海运和空运会迅速终止。海运的货物将无法抵达。本地存货会迅速耗尽,某些地区甚至可能无法投递,你们如果没有储存干货或罐头,将看 到你自己的家庭遭遇这种情形。


If you have frozen foods, you will need to COOK them, if you do loose your electricity, to preserve them until you can eat them. Store at least some water, because some areas are ON electric water pumps and it cannot be delivered to you if the electricity is down. It could be down for hours, or days or longer.

Think NOW about how little water you can get by on and where you are going to “potty” yourselves if you cannot flush. I am not kidding my beloveds. YOU MUST do this and I cannot hold off much longer on those earth changes. You will get prepared and rapidly, or yea will do without and watch the suffering of those around you. You are entitled to have that experience if you wish.

Earth peoples before stasis are going to see what they have not been responsible for. There are going to be massive deaths and grief. People will be dying that manufacture your cheap goods and plow your fields. Do not spend money on new clothing; spend it on food and supplies.

You have not long to wait and you should be demonstrating the way at this time. Do not let your spouses control you! DO IT for them, they will be thanking you. NO MOVIES , NO PAID ENTERTAINMENT, if you need money for food, get rid on your TV’s and everything else, the news will be on radios, believe me beloveds, if news can be delivered. Many of you ARE money poor, but you can get what you need if you give up the expenses you do not need to pay.

如果你需要钱买食物,那么放弃电影,昂贵的娱乐,摆脱电视和其 他的东西,新闻会通过收音机发布,相信我,亲爱的,假如新闻能够播送。你们很多人缺钱,但是如果你放弃不必要的消费,你可以购置所需的一切。

Many of you have a complete cable package, phone, Internet, and TV. Drop some of that. Where are your abilities to reason? I have tried to prepare you for what, a couple years now, or more and some of you continue to say “prove it to me” and then I will get the supplies. OK, you will have your proof in due time but you won’t be getting your supplies if your checking account is empty at the time and there is run on the stores and everything triples in price.
很多人有完整的电缆包,电话,网络,电视。扔掉某些。你的推理能力何在?两年前我就尝试让你们做准备,有些人继续说,“证明给我看”,然后我会去购买必需 品。


During this time of great trauma that is coming on you, believe me dear ones, bill collectors will not be at your doors. If you have to skip the utility bill to buy food for storage, do and make payment arrangements with said company. You have options to create cash, besides using your credit cards and some of you have no credit left.
相信我亲爱的,在即将来临的巨大创伤时期,收账的不会上门。如果你不得不漏过一些账单以购买贮备食物,与said company做付款安排。你可以弄到现金,此外可以利用你的信用卡,不过有些人已经没信用了。

Buying canned goods may be expensive. By whole beans, grains, and nuts and the like. You can figure out how to prepare these, and you will need some water storage to cook and sprout them. Now if you cannot cook, you can eat soaked lentils, chickpeas and grains without cooking. Other beans need to be sprouted more before they are digestible, or you will likely have a big belly ache to deal with. These are CHEAP in bulk. And the waters to soak and sprout these seeds, are water your body will use when you eat them, so it is not wasted water.

假如你无法烹调,可以吃一些浸湿的兵豆,鹰嘴豆和 无需烹调的谷物。其他豆类需要发芽才可以消化,否则你很可能遭受严重的腹痛。这些食物批发很便宜。用来浸泡和让种子发芽的水,是你身体可以吸收的,所以不 算浪费。

I have held off beloveds until people really want God to help, on the stasis and they are going to suffer a lot before then. I have given you more than enough opportunity to prepare. You cannot serve me very well if your families are crying for food. And you best be locking up that food too, because your unprepared neighbors may wish to relive you of it when the going gets tough for them.


Do store canned goods as you have money to purchase them, they can be eaten right out of the can! But if you funds are limited, go for bulk foods. Some of you will giving up your meat you know! If you think you have to have it, it will be in the cans you have purchased, keep that in mind. Because these changes are going to end the meat industry on this planet especially in the cities, very quickly and rightfully so. Many of you morn the animals in the gulf, but fail to see the total destruction your food animals deal with daily. They have gifted you heavily and beyond what is required of them, and these ones shall also have their rest.

你要知道,有些人将戒掉肉食!记住,如果你还想吃,只可能在你 够买的罐头里。因为这些变化将结束地球上的肉食工业,特别是在城市里,非常迅速,理应如此。

你们很多人为墨西哥湾的动物们悲痛,却看不到日常里你们的食用 动物所遭受的全部毁灭。它们已经赠与了你们太多,远超过需要它们做的,它们需要休息了。

On this day, and the ones to come, those of you yet unprepared, can use some of your real freedom to make decisions on stocking up, even though you are enslaved at this time and have NO independence. AND on that note, this is true for all of this world not just those in the United States, who are celebrating a false independence day. I bid you farewell for today, and I hope you will choose to FARE WELL. Namaste, which remember, means from the God within me to the GOD WITHIN YOU. I am Aton.
在今天,尚未准备的人们,现在可以利用你们真正的自由去决定储备食物,即使此时你被奴役着,没有真正的独立。关于这一点,对于全世界的人民,不仅仅是庆祝 着一个虚假独立日的美国人,这是真实的。


Candace: in terms of storing water, you NEVER do have to wash your dishes. They can be wiped and allowed to air or sun dry before use again. Some of you may be lucky to have streams nearby but many do not. There are few streams where I live and during the summer they get awfully dry. You will learn to very carefully clean your teeth and all other areas where you use water. Look ahead and study your water use.

YOU CAN begin now to collect outside water if you have homes. Or at least finding containers to collect it should you find your water off and you are lucky to get some rain. And if the water gets low, in apartment buildings, I hope management is going to provide methods of collecting rain from roofs. This may not always be “clean water” but it will sponge bath you and the like. There will be deaths from lack of enough water to consume. It comes right after air in importance to the physical system.

I have experimented with washing my short hair, and once I did it with under a quart of water. Dampen just enough, a few drop of shampoo to get the grease, then use a towel to remove MOST of the shampoo, and then a rinse. It works. And if you have long hair, well, OFF it comes.
Many will be cutting their hair way back. If you do that, a wet rag will clean it. Or better probably a spray bottle with a little water.

来源:( – 【7-4-2010】今天是美国独立日(by CM)_光與愛_新浪博客

Today is Independence Day in the United States
By Christ Michael and Candace
Jul 4, 2010 – 3:09:57 PM

Today is Independence Day in the United States

By Aton thru Candace

July 4th, 2010


【7-4-2010】你理应记住......(by CM thru Kibo) 基督·迈克尔CM

It would behoove you to remember.......
By CM thru Kibo
Jul 4, 2010 - 4:31:43 AM

停滞期将由我发动,条件满足之时,你会看到的。仍然有很多事需要做,必须有一个最佳时机:发布公告,看到/体验矩阵系统崩溃,事情发生并完结之前形成一个 对未来的愿景。你希望现在就发生。而有些人根本就不希望发生。我能听到我所有孩子们的声音和祈祷!你们小小的网络机器人收集整理它所被交付的人类信息,而 我体验人类思想与情感的全部!!是我,需要判断什么是人类全体所渴望的创造,是我,需要考虑源头的意愿,及其如何与我的愿景相联系,去创造这个最值得的种 子星球,以及未来新上帝的训练场地!!!(译者:地球上将有人成为新宇宙的创造者,像CM一样的角色,这是史无前例的,从来都是由造物主之子去创造宇宙。 所以,地球的环境严苛一点,过程复杂一点,大家是要理解滴……)

我,即使是我,希望你们考虑一下此刻你生命的方向之流,这导向人类的扬升,那不可思议的旅途。清空你头脑里全部的自我(自负)和个人欲望,沉思一种和谐一 体的生活。盖亚已经获得了权利,现在是一个完全拥有自由意志的星球,可以追求她自己的道路与命运。她的命运优先于你们,因为你们可能会去别处继续旅途。但 是已经决定了,地球的愿望与意志会实现,所以你们被允许参与这前往“伟大入口”的伟大旅途。

然而无论如何,这个旅途的事件,进程,及其完成,是无法保证的。你最佳的选择是,揭露你们所谓的“文明”的真实历史,及其如何在隔离的限制之下操纵和滥用 着你们与盖亚,盖亚作为一个监狱星球,一个种子星球,也是我自己的赠与星球。我创造着可以成为新宇宙之新上帝的个体,因此你们必须觉察到全部的一切,从这 些经验中学习,通过经历这一切而变得更加强势。


直到真相十分明确地揭露出来,这里始终会有争辩。如果我们能得到没有自我没有欲望的人,我们可以澄清事实真相,但是谁会接受?是你们所有人必须做唯一的一 件事:活在神圣意志之中。这是你必须去做的全部,你应该希望去做的全部,然而,这是由你的自由意志去选择的。没有按钮(:按下后万事大吉),但你们可以促 成一种形势。没有魔法棒(:挥一下天上人间),而必须达到一种意识水平。


Be warned:

The One Will declares that this thing be done in fulfilling and obtaining the best, most benevolent outcome for all involved. That is not a joke, it is a mandate. It doesn’t mean that everyone will make it but as many as can make it = will.

My vision is to fulfill the Will of Source in creating new Sons of God that are more than worthy of the challenges to come and that is what will happen. You are looking only at the immediate causes and effect of this situation as it pertains to stasis and the condition of your world society immediately afterwards. So many of you are still looking at this as to how it affects YOU.

You will learn.

You will learn how to make connections to and with each other where before, no connections were perceived. You will learn that there is, indeed, common ground where before you saw only a gaping hole that separated you from each other.

You will live your lives. You will strive and struggle and learn and grow and fight to evolve and actually evolve until this thing is evident and obvious to all and you will continue to evolve afterwards. This is not a time to be jockeying for position in an arena that exists to serve only one purpose: TO BE IN ALIGNMENT WITH AND SERVE THE WILL OF THE ONE THAT IS ALL THAT IS = I AM THAT I AM.

That is what will solve your situations and things and circumstances in your lives that you perceive as problems. They are not. They are opportunities for growth and forward and upwards progress in a world system that has dragged you down and manipulated you in separation for far too long.

If you knew your true selves you could solve all of this on your own in a heartbeat. If you had it within you to stand united in one thing: THE WILL OF THE ONE, this would have been over already.

WE are here, I AM HERE to help My Own to exist in this state of being that you may better be able to reach the Grand Portal together, as one.

Light and Life , for you, is a long way off but it is obtainable. It is obtainable because you are who and what you are in I AM THAT I AM. When you can lay down your differences and communicate with each other as each other and concentrate on what you are in a state of unity rather than states of separateness, you will be more ready and prepared for what is to come. What is to come will come, whether you are ready for it or not for SOURCE has declared that it is so and even the most fluid of deadlines has it’s final moment and ends.
light&life对于你们是漫长但可抵达的路途。它是可抵达的,因为你们是I AM THAT I AM。当你们放下差异,彼此交流,专注于你们是一个整体而非分离,你们对于将来的一切会更有准备。该来的会来的,无论你是否准备好,因为源头已经宣布,纵 然是最灵活的最后期限,也有其最后时刻与结局。

Consider these words as good advice for I give them to you out of love and great confidence in your true abilities, not just as Human beings and galactic citizens, but as Divine creatures and citizens of creation, as well.

My Love and Light and Support are with you always, and so it is in SOURCE I AM.

Thank you for…how do you like to say it?

Thank you for feeling Me and feeling WHAT I AM in us all.


Kibo: Thanks Boss.



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