Dealing with Changing Energies 圖庫彌上師訊息 透過Lynette Leckie-Clark傳遞 8/15/2010 我圖庫彌再次進入你的能量場 我來引導你穿越這演化過程的偉大改變 你已經進入一個存在的嶄新創造形式 沒有回頭路了 那是不可能的 事實上 對於大部份人而言 此刻正是從情緒體釋放過往的經驗的時刻 並僅以「遙遠的回憶」來把它保留在心智體中 任何情緒都會以這種方式被克服與釋放的 I
Kuthumi enter your energy fields once again. I come to guide you
through the great changes of your evolutionary process. You have
entered a new creation of being. There is no going back, that is not
possible. Indeed it is time now for much of your past experiences to be
released from your emotional bodies and held only as a distant
remembrance on the mental body. In this way any emotion is overcome and
released. 這是在你覺醒與重啟力量之道途上的基礎 因為怨恨、痛苦、氣憤的舊情緒將在你此時的進展過程中對你緊抓不放 你將會停滯不前 那將導致你感到沮喪 並導致生命力與光能的巨大流失 This
is essential on your path of awakening and empowerment, for old
emotions of resentment, pain and anger will merely hold you where you
are now in your progression process. You will not progress forward, but stagnate. This will lead to depression and great loss of vital energy and Light. 安靜的坐下來 檢視你的情緒體 請求深藏在潛意識中的心思浮現出來 我可以告訴你 你將不會像你所表現出來的一樣 不論是透過你的高我 或是其他人的看法或事件 不 你將不會是的 想想那些情緒為何已深藏如此之久? 容我提醒你 你不再是那個擅於埋藏情緒的同一個人了 你已經成長 態度已經改變 因此 不要害怕 請一定要了解 在完成療癒之前毒素必須釋放 想想你將感到多麼輕盈 想想你此時正攜帶著更高的振動 沒有隱藏的負擔托累你 你看到在這條路上你所發展出來的使命 並完全了解深度清理的必要性 It
would be a very wise exercise to sit quietly and take an overview of
your emotional body. Ask to be shown that which your sub-conscious mind
holds deeply. I can tell you that you will not like what you are shown
– either by your higher self or another person through comments and
events. No, you will not. Why do you think it has been hidden so deeply
for so long? I remind you that you are no longer the same person who so
skillfully buried that emotional event. You have grown, attitudes have
changed. So do not fear. Please do understand that the poison must be
released before complete healing can take place. Think of how much
lighter you will feel. Think of the higher vibration you can now carry
without a hidden weight holding you back. You see in this way you
develop purpose and understanding of the necessity to deeply cleanse. 你正創造進一步改變的態度、振動與光 你正在此過程中賦予你自己更大的力量 你現在就可以召喚我們 光之聖團、天使長們以及許許多多的聖靈來指引你 祂們將協助你並提攜你進入祂們的無條件之愛中 You
are creating a further change in attitude, in vibration, in Light. You
are empowering yourself even more through this process. You may call on
us here, the Council of Light, the Arch-Angels and the many spirit
guides who come to assist you and uphold you in their unconditional
love. 其他人的情緒 The Emotions of Others 隨著你在存在體中增長了更高的振動頻率 你也會對其他人的情緒變得更為覺知 去連結其他人輻射出來的能量場變得非常容易 我提醒你要覺知到你吸收了其他人進入你能量場中的負面情緒 你看 那些正掙扎在能量改變中的人 變得很容易悲苦與混亂 這種情況經常導致憤怒的情緒 許多人正忙著應付財務緊繃的狀況 這其實是他過往所做選擇的結果 在更廣泛的規模上 政府也正在經歷這樣的情況 這轉換成更加速的負面個人財務狀況與極度的痛苦 因此 有如此多負面情緒在乙太場中 As
you gain a higher vibration in your being, you also become more aware
of the emotions of others. It becomes very easy to connect to their
radiant energy fields. I caution you to be aware of soaking up
another’s negative emotions into your own energetic field. You see,
those who are struggling with the energetic changes are becoming easily
distressed and confused. This often leads to anger. Many are trying to
cope with financial strains, the result of previous personal choices
made. Governments are also experiencing this on a larger scale, which
in turn accelerates negative personal finances and anguish. So there is
much negative emotion in the ethers. 幸運地 地球上許多光的工作者極力協助著轉化這些能量 特別是在靜心之時 這是人類轉化的基礎所在 在這些時刻 有如此多的發生 我經常被詢問要如何轉化屬於其他人的能量 要如何在地球轉變的時代中有所獲得 我現在就給你三個關鍵步驟 Fortunately
the many Light workers on the Earth assist greatly in transmuting this
energy, particularly when meditating. This is essential to mankind’s
transition. There
is much happening through these times. I have been asked how can you
transcend that which belongs to another. How can we get through these
times of change on Earth? I give you now the keys in three steps. 第一步 Step one – 「輕裝旅行」 (譯註: 指在人生旅途上不要背負情緒累贅) 釋放掉情緒的雜質與過往的負累 如同我曾說的 持續清理你的情緒體是一個基礎工作 正如洋蔥的層次一般 這裡有著許多議題 有些顯示出來的議題你會認為不重要 或者你會去處理 否則你的高我會再一次地顯示給你看 於是就仍有憤怒與痛苦留存著 而那些是需要被釋放掉的 讓我告訴你 當你能在看著舊有傷痛或與之相關的人 當你能在檢視過往事件 而不再有感覺、有情緒時 那麼那些過往就僅僅是你曾經歷過的某些東西—「遙遠的回憶」 那麼你便已經完全釋放了 你從中自由了! Travel
lightly. Release your own emotional clutter and baggage of past. As I
have said, it is essential to keep clearing your own emotional body.
Like the layers of an onion, there are many issues. Some which are
shown to you, you may think unimportant, or that you have already dealt
with that issue. Yet your higher self has shown it to you again.
Therefore there is still anger or pain being retained which must be
released. I tell you, when you can look at an old hurt or a person
associated with it, when you can view the incident and feel nothing, no
emotion, it was merely something you experienced – a distant memory –
then you have completely released and you are free of it. 我鼓勵你不要對這個清理過程失去耐心 這是急不得的 允許你的高我經常在靜心狀態中指引你 示現你 有時候 會是個前世尚未療癒的議題 這通常隱藏得非常深層 然而你的靈魂已經選擇攜帶著它們到這一世來清理與療癒 因此 當你開始邁開步伐去了解與釋放這些舊的議題時 請歡慶吧 你正著手進行你投生這一世前已同意去做的 有序地清理情緒體是很重要的 不要讓恐懼、怨忿與批判根植在你的情緒體中 I
urge you not to act impatiently through this clearing process. It
cannot be rushed. Allow your higher self to guide you, to show you,
usually in a meditative state. Sometimes it is an issue from a previous
life time that has still not been healed. These are usually held very
deeply within you. Yet your soul has chosen to carry them to this
lifetime to be cleared, healed. So rejoice when you begin positive
steps to understand and release these old issues. You are undertaking
what you agreed to do before you incarnated in this life time. It is
important that you regularly clear the emotional body. Do not allow
fear, resentments or judgments to take root on your emotional body. 第二步 Step two – 「再確認」 保有或者把它丟掉 這是非常容易但很基礎的步驟 詢問你自己這個問題「這情緒是我自己的或者是別人的?」 很簡單吧? 不過卻非常重要 朋友 我給你們一些例子 「那是你的憤怒、挫折, 或是別人的?」「那是你的看法或者是其他人的呢?」 「那是你的選擇或者別人的?」 「有人以行為或言語傷了你嗎?」「所以那是其他人的態度或行為, 不是嗎?」 確認它 確認那是你的或者別人的 此刻你必須選擇你的行動 你要留存它?—通常是保存在情緒體 或者釋放它? 請釋放掉! Recognition.
Own or throw it out. This is a very simple, yet essential step in this
process. Ask yourself this question, “ Is this emotion mine or someone
else’s?” Simple is it not? Yet so important. I give you some examples
my friend. At work, is it your anger, frustration, or another’s? Is it
your opinion, or someone else’s? Your choice, or another's? Has another
hurt you through their actions or words? Therefore it is another’s
attitude or behavior is it not? Recognition. Yours or someone else's.
Now you must choose your action. Do you store it – usually on the
emotional body, or release it? Please release. 第三步 Step three – 「轉化 轉化 再一次轉化」 這是在地球過渡時期安然倖存的關鍵 正如我曾問說要保有它或轉化它? 要了解一切都是個經驗 了解你此刻正結束這個二元的經驗 舊的業正在終結 任何新的業都將被立即地解決 是的 即刻的業 這最終的學習—以你想被對待的方式對待別人 Transmute,
transmute and transmute again. This is the key to surviving these
transitional times. As I have said own it, or transmute it. Understand
all is experience. Understand you are now ending the experience of
duality. Old karma is now ending. Any new karma you create will be
dealt with instantly. Yes, instant karma, a final learning of treating
others as you yourself would like to be treated. 靈魂覺者 Soul Living 朋友們 這些簡單的步驟提供力量在你人生中的每一處給你莫大的協助 當你的振動把你提升到可以承擔別人的情緒能量時 那麼你所轉化的會多半來自於別人 在工作中 在家中 在商場上 你看到你們之中有些人是更進化的靈魂 因此有些人更能輕易地確認並清理他們自己 這些進展的靈魂是現在地球上非常被需要的 他們所做的轉化與清理能給予地球上一切生靈活力 去穿越你們所經歷的大轉化 若你能循著我所提供的這些步驟 你將能體驗更快速而順遂的靈魂意識轉化 你將體驗新地球的第一步 一個更高的振動透過靈魂意識而展現的 – 靈魂覺者 My
friend, these simple steps have the power to assist you greatly in all
areas of your life. As your vibration is raised you are readily able to
pick up the emotions and energies of others around you. Much of what
you transmute will come from others, at work, at home, in business. You
see some of you are more evolved souls than others. Therefore some are
able to recognize and clear themselves more easily. Yet these evolved
souls are very much needed now on Earth. The work they do in
transmuting and clearing is vital to all on Earth through the Great
Shift you are experiencing. If
you can follow these guidelines I give you now, you will experience a
faster and smoother conscious awakening of Soul. You will experience
the first steps of the New Earth. A higher vibration through soul
awareness – soul living. 庫圗彌上師 Master Kuthumi a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark Sunday, 15 August, 2010 (posted 21 August, 2010) 註: 有關庫圖彌上師 (資料來自黛安娜‧庫柏的「新世紀揚升之光」) 仍與撒南達(另一世為耶穌)共同分擔內在層面的世界導師角色, 然而他即將要承擔這個偉大任務的所有責任, 身為學習學院的院長, 他對所有正教導靈性真理的人十分有興趣, 他的其中依個任務是, 轉化宗教的教條式思想, 而使無條件的愛得以顯化。 有一萬兩千個存在體在靈魂或身體層次中與他一起運作, 實現這些任務。 他的生平事蹟展現了對眾生的愛, 他是聖殿騎士團的創立者, 持有古老奧秘的秘密知識, 並守護虔誠的朝聖者。當畢達哥拉斯將神聖幾何、命理數字學(生命靈數)、數學與行星音樂介紹至這個世界時, 他同時為淨光兄弟團成立學院。在化身為誕生於阿西斯(Assisi)聖城的聖方濟時, 他展現了不傷害與愛所有眾生的品質在。化身為沙‧賈汗(Shah Jahan, 印度蒙兀爾帝國皇帝: 1628-1658)時, 他建造了泰姬‧瑪哈陵, 展現了他對妻子的完美之愛,。他曾是耶穌的使徒約翰‧巴薩札(Balthazar), 是《新約》中的東方三博士之ㄧ, 到伯利恆拜訪剛出生的耶穌並獻上禮物; 埃及的特摩斯三世(Tutmos III)法老王。 這位偉大的存在體是古老神祕學的看守者, 因我們的星球向揚升之路前進, 故現將奧秘知識帶給能接受的光的工作者。 他是第二道「愛與智慧」的光束的啟蒙者, 與握有聖杯的大天使麥可合作, 代表著為自我了解與自我精鍊的神祕追尋。他正逐漸為人類帶來更多靈性法則的領悟。 他是「金袍兄弟聖團」的主教, 承擔這個世界的負擔。六芒大衛星是他的符號, 帶來心智、身體與關係上的平衡。 文章出處 田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載
- Aug 29 Sun 2010 11:23
靈魂覺者 Soul Living_ 因應變化中的能量場-from Kuthumi