


我们同你们在一起给予的指导,只是许多这么做的来源之一。在陪伴你们走向扬升中, 我们一定要确保你们达到它。因此,它是一个双重角色,启蒙你们关于你们可以期望什么,以及如何为它做准备。因为有这么多人有一种僵化的心态,不容易接受新 观念,但是我们知道如果你们面对真相,它就会产生影响。它是和你们的造成困惑的认知相抵触的信息。在这些情况下,你们会知道我们经常建议你们走入内心。当 你们被告知在你们内拥有全部的知识的时候,是因为在一个更高的层次,你们是你们学过的每件事情的的总和。你们的困境是在你们的高我和控制你们的每日生活的 自我之间的区分。这就是为什么我们强烈建议你们抽出时间找出那些安静的时刻使你们能够走向内心。

We are with you to give guidance, and just one of many sources that do so. In accompanying you to Ascension, we are bound to ensure that you reach it. It is therefore a dual role that is to enlighten you as to what you may expect, and how to prepare for it. Because so many have a rigid mindset new ideas are not easy to accept, but we know that if you are faced with the truth it will have an impact. It is the messages that are conflicting with your understanding that cause confusion. In these instances you will know that we often recommend you go within. When you are told that you have all knowledge within, it is because on a higher level you are the sum total of everything you have learnt. Your difficulty is distinguishing between your Higher Self, and your ego that controls your daily life. That is why we strongly recommend that you make time to find those quiet moments when you can go within.

如果你们保持一个开放的头脑,并尊重那些对你们来说可以接受的来源,那么通向一个 更大的理解的道路会更加容易。你们不必同意来自于它的每一件事,但至少把它放在一旁作进一步的参考。作为真相的寻求者,你们必定已经发现信息看起来在你们 还没有寻找它的时候就来到你们面前,并且提供了一块完成整个画面的丢失的片段。这就是吸引力定律是如何工作的,并且证明了你们专注于什么,什么就会来到你们面前。它已经确定了你们并不是你们的物质身体,在这种情况下,你们也许想知道为什么你们不能够调频到你们的高我。这是因为它存在于一个比你们平常使用的 更高的振动水平。因此在你们试图连接之前必须准备好你们自己。

   The way to a greater understanding is much easier if you keep an open mind, and respect those sources that are acceptable to you. You may not necessarily agree with everything that comes from it, but at least set it aside for further reference. As seekers of the truth you will surely have already found that information seems to come to you without you looking for it, and supplies the missing piece that completes the picture. That is how the Law of Attraction works, and proves that what you focus upon will come to you. It has been established that you are not your physical body, in which case you may wonder why you cannot tune into your Higher Self. It is because it exists at a much higher vibrational level than you normally use. Therefore you have to prepare yourself before attempting contact.

在当前这个时候,当地球正在不断地被光充满着,你们会发现你们的意识水平正在扩 展。随着它而来的会是几乎能够随意地与你们的高我交流,并且我们知道你们之中的许多人已经发展出了这样一个连接。在这里的悖论是尽管我们谈论你们的高我 而言所处于的“更高的振动水平”,但它不是在你们外面而是在内。你们是一个有着若干个不同的面貌,并同时存在于许多层面上的复杂的存在。然而,这些知识会 等到一个未来的时机,当你们提升了你们的意识水平到一个更大的理解的时候。在头脑中有这个观念是有用的,因为更多的信息随之而来的时候,你们会部分地被准 备好。

   In this present time when the Earth is being constantly flooded with Light, you will find that your consciousness levels are expanding. With it will come the ability to commune with your Higher Self almost at will, and we know that many of you have developed such a link. The paradox here is that although we talk of “higher vibrational levels” where your Higher Self is concerned, it is not outside you but within. You are a complex Being with a number of different aspects, and exist on many levels at once. However, that knowledge will wait for a future occasion when you have lifted your consciousness levels to a greater understanding. It is useful to have the idea in mind and as more information comes along, you will be partially prepared for it.

随着我们存在的公告而来,你们将会被那些一直对你们隐瞒的信息所淹没。一段时间里 你们会很难继续跟上它,这就是为什么我们要求你们保持一个开放的头脑。有少数人仍然不知道我们的飞船,或否认它们的存在。因此关于我们存在的确认的来到几 乎会成为一场震撼。这种反应更可能随着学习你们怎样被黑暗者利用,来达到它们的控制世界的议程而来。你们把你们的信任和生活放进那些应该以你们的最大利益 而工作的人手中。你们会发现他们仅仅打算奴役你们,并且制订出恶魔般的计划来实现它。正是这些泄露折磨着那些该为所发生的事情负责的人,尽管真相泄漏进入 公共领域,它远比你们能够想象的触及的更加深远。

   Following the announcement of our presence, you will be inundated with information that has been kept from you. For a time you will be hard pressed to keep up with it, which is why we ask you to keep an open mind. There are few people that are still unaware of our craft, or deny their existence. So confirmation of our existence will hardly come as a shock. That reaction is more likely to come with learning how you have been used by the dark Ones, to achieve their agenda for world control. You placed your trust and lives in the hands of those who should have worked in your best interest. You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it. It is these revelations that worry those responsible for what has taken place, and although the truth leaks out into the public domain, it is much more far reaching than you can possibly imagine.

你们将一直在困惑中,直到你们能够获悉关于你们自己和你们历史的真相,。在学习真相的时候,你们将从放在你们的自由之上的控制中被释放。随着一个关于你们真正是谁的更大的理解,还会经验一个你们意识的迅速打开。你们理解上的障碍将被除 去,你们会被给予每一个机会从我们和在你们中间出现的其他存在那里学习真相。这全都被计划好了,有一段时间会像坐过一趟过山车那样情绪急转突变,但是很愉快。它全部的安慰都环抱着地球,一种新的能量会渗透每一件事物并把爱和光带给你们所有人。

   Until you are able to learn the truth about yourselves and your history, you will remain confused. Upon learning the truth you will be released from the controls placed upon your freedom. Also with a greater understanding of who you really are, will experience a rapid opening up of your consciousness. The obstacles to your understanding will be removed, and you will be given every opportunity to learn the truth from us, and other Beings that will emerge from amongst you. It is all planned and for a while it will be a roller coaster ride, but very enjoyable. The relief of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all.


尽管扬升是一个持续的过程,它不是强加给任何人的。上帝不会拿走你们的自由意志去 选择你们自己的道路和其他可供选择的存在。因此那些对扬升没有准备的人将走上一条不同的道路,按照他们的偏好去继续他们的体验。许多人将留在当前这个维度 中,但是不在这个正在整体扬升的世界里。你们的灵魂之旅被认为是线性条件的,但事实上所有的经验都发生在现在。因此你们可以轻易地从一条路切换到另一个, 但仅仅在相同的振动水平上。没有灵魂丢失或者注定要保持在最低的维度中,因为进化是一个持续不断的过程。

   Although Ascension is an ongoing process, it is not forced upon anyone. God will not take away your freewill to choose your own pathway, and other options exist. So those who are unready for Ascension will proceed onto a different path, to continue their experiences according to their preference. Many will stay in this present dimension, but not in this Universe which is ascending in its totality. You soul journey is thought of in linear terms, but in reality all experiences take place in the Now. So you can easily switch from one path to another, but only in the same vibrational level. No souls are lost or destined to remain in the lowest dimensions, as evolution is a continual process.

恢复你们的真实记忆已经被仔细地安排好了,通过向你们介绍从光明王国来到地球上的 老师们。他们的能量已经被印在地球上,渐渐地一个灵性的觉醒发生了。即使是最封闭的心灵也被他们打动了,这是因为一种爱和理解的方式被创造出来。在更高层 次没有审判,我们只看见美丽的灵魂成功地返回到光。


   在二元性中存在的整个目的是通过经验而成长,那就是为什么任何人的选择真的应该被看作是不同于其他任何人的。你们的人生都带有责任,你们要对你们的行动负 责,但是一旦业力被清除就没有了自责。记住这个经历是与灵魂一起建立的,灵魂已经完全同意扮演他们各自的角色。一些人不得不支持黑暗者,相信我们亲爱的 ——你们全都在两方面扮演过角色。 

 Restoring your true memory has been carefully arranged, by introducing you to teachers who have come to Earth from the Light realms. Their energies have been impressed upon the Earth, and gradually a spiritual awakening has taken place. Even the most closed minds have been stirred by them, and it is because a loving and understanding approach is made. There is no judgment at the higher levels, and we simply see beautiful souls making their way back to the Light. The whole purpose of being in duality is to grow through experience, so why indeed should anyone抯 choice be looked upon as different to anyone else抯. Your lives all carry responsibility and your actions are accountable for by you, but once cleared karmically there are no recriminations. Remember that experiences are set up with souls that have all agreed to play out their respective roles. Someone has to take the part of the dark Ones, and believe us Dear Ones ?you have all acted on both sides.

我是来自天狼星的SaLuSa,可以告诉你们银河联盟正在催促做出被等待的宣布。 我们的盟国包括在特别重要的位置上的人正在全速推进。真相的日子在招手,但是的确依靠为这样一个里程碑式的时机而正确地准备的阶段。政府的改变是如此重 要,对那些掌权者的必要的挑战很快被做出。当你们等待行动的时候,我们知道它正考验着你们的耐心,但是计划已经做出,并且被监督你们未来的更高的力量所同 意。时机总是极端重要的,我们会在任何其他人之前知道何时是正确的时候去推进我们的计划。未来在我们手中,你们的扬升是被保证的。

   I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is pressing for the awaited announcement to be made. Our allies include people in exceptionally important positions who are pushing forward with all speed. The day of Truth beckons, but does rely upon the stage being properly prepared for such a monumental occasion. Governmental changes are so important, and the necessary challenge to those in power is soon to be made. We know it is testing your patience while you wait for action, but the plans have been made and agreed with the higher forces that oversee your future. Timing as always is of utmost importance, and we will know before anyone else when it is right to forge ahead with our plan. The future is in our hands and your Ascension is assured.


Thank you SaLuSa.谢谢你们

Mike Quinsey. 


SaLuSa 27-August-2010 



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