AlaJE is my Pleiddian name and has nothing to do with anything on Earth.
My name is a Pleiddian name with Pleiadian Vibration.
In the higher Dimensions your name results from the energy you have, it reflects the energy you are radiating and the energy you came from.
It reflects the energy from the place from which you have the strongest energetic connection.
In the last part, we were talking about real Lightwork and real Lightworkers, in order to identify those who are spreading hate and ego but claim to be spiritual.
Real Lightworkers are spreading their cosmic light and love out of their heart, to help the planet to ascend in a higher dimension were only the energy of love can reach.
People with hate and ego who create hate and attack and insult others, are not lightworkers, even if they claim it.
Those people are mostly influenced by negative entities or still have the negative attitude from past lifes.
If you don't have enough Cosmic Love energy in your auric field but mostly ego, arrogance, jealoousy and hate, negative entities can penetrate your auric shield and control your thoughts and emotions.
如果你光环场(auric field)中没有足够的宇宙爱能量,只有大量的小我、傲慢、嫉妒和恨,负面实体就能穿透你的能量护盾,控制你的思想和情绪。
The light and energy in the aura cannot be faked. It is the energetic signature of the consciousness, that everybody has.
A real Lightworker can be recognized by the light and love energy in his auric field and by his actions out of love in order to create love.
Real lightworkers are talking with love and not with hate, they don't have any jealousy,and their actions are based on real cosmic love in order to create love energy.
In June 2012 I visited with a group of real lightworkers good energy places in Serbia, in order to send healing energy to the place and to the planet.
Every Lightwork is an inner cleansing meeting, an energy work, to get free from any blocking energy.
On every Lightwork meeting, we are confronted with high energies from the energy-place and from the lightbeings who are participating.
The high light energy will bring to the surface, whatever is hidden inside your consciousness, in order to see it and heal it.
Those energies continue to work after the lightwork.
Personal-inner work on deleting negative energies is the most important of the personal spiritual develoopment.
Reading a book is not enough, A book is only an information. The real work has to be done personally.
Everybody is going through this life lesson, whether he knows it or not.
Every lightwork is an opportunity to free yourself from negative feelings, negative thoughts or negative karma.
Only when you are fee of low energies, you are ready for higher energies and you are able to incarnate on higher dimensions.
The meaning of life is to become a loving person with a developed consciousness without ego, arrogance, jealousy and hate.
There are lightworkers who are beginners and have just started to work on themselves, and there are experienced master lightworkers who have mastered real universal love and wisdom in many lives and on many planets and had real experiences with the light in higher dimensions.
The were initiated from higher lightbeings and have the ability to carry more cosmic light in their body then others, in order to heal and cleanse negative energies on planet Earth.
This information is stored in their soul and their auric field as an energetic imprint that can be seen by other spiritual people.
Energy is always visible and can not be faked.
Those who are faking to be spiritual masterland are attacking other people out of ego and hate, are creating negative karma for themselves and are blocking their development.
The real professional experienced light carriers are soul with great wisdom who came to earth from higher light dimensions by birth, in order to be able to act in a physical body.
A real light carrier has no ego, hate, jealousy or other negative behaviour and dissociates himself from any kind of hate, religion, cults, belief systems, superstition or political views and thus can NOT be brought into connection in any way.
Real lightwork is not only happening on easy positive places were lightworkers are using the good energy to spread it to the planet.
The experienced master lightworkers, are often visiting places with negative energies, in order to heal and transform these energies with the cosmic light they are radiating out of their bodies.
This is called advanced lightwork and should be done only by people with a powerful light and cosmic Love in the aura, in order to be protected from negative energies.
In advanced lightworks, you are confronted with demons and other negative entities who are gathering in negative places.
Planet Earth is located in a dimension with polarity, were negativity still exists.
Now that planet earth wants to ascend into a higher dimension, all negative energies have to be purified with positive energy.
Positive means using Cosmic Love and negative means love energy is missing.
(Advanced lightword: cleansing negative energies with the power of cosmic love)
There are places on earth with positive energies, and there are places with negative energies.
(Negative energies on earth: A result of thousands of wars, hate, ego, arrogance, criminality, religious, politics, military, greed for power and control, destruction of plants, killing and eating animals, smoking, TV manipulation, competition thinking, manipulation from negative beings and demons.)
That depends on the energies that earth humans have created over a period of time, or are still creating.
(Positive energies on earth: Places have more Cosmic Energy. Nature is healthy and can heal. Advancement of friendly, spiritual behavior, higher consciousness, higher intelligence, vegetarian living. Love, harmony, peace, prosperity.)
Places with positive energy are vortex places where cosmic energy is amplified more then on other places.
Places with negative energy are places where negative energy has been created by humans or places with volcanos.
Volcanos are valves or pores where the planet is releasing negative energy.
The planet is a living being and it has pores to release an infection just like the human body.
Everything is connected with fine matter energy, every energy has an impact to everything else-To humans and the surroundings.
That is not a cloudy, mystical thing, that is higher spiritual science that is necessary to know if we want to understand life and how we can live in harmony and in peace.
In the last 12000 years, earth-humans have created much negative energy on many different places, as a result out of a combination of wars, hate, arrogance, religions and other cults, greed for power and manipulation from negative extra-terrestrials and lower astral entities and demons.
In the last 13 years, I did lightwork with many groups on many places to clean negative energies on earth.
In March and April 2012, the Cosmic Awareness has sent me and some friends to a long lightwork tour in America, to purify old negative energies in Florida, California and Hawaii.
(Alaje the pleiadian advanced lightwork tour 2012)
The first place was St.Augustine in Florida, were the brutal Ponce de Leon landed at April the 2nd in 1513.
第一站是佛罗里达的圣奥古斯丁,是1513年4月2日到来的庞塞·德莱昂(Ponce de Leon)。
Ponce de Leon was one of many conquerors who were sent in the name of church and kings from Spain, to steel riches, to kill and to make slaves.
Ponce de Leon and his 200 soldiers conquered Puerto Rico and many places in Florida like St.Augustine, with extreme brutality to Native Americans, and claiming them for Spain.
In order to have a powerful light energy, first we charged our energy in the nature and later with the energy of a 600 years old tree in St.Augustine, before we entered the place where the Spanish criminals killed the local Native Americans.
As we were walking through this place, I could feel the negative energy and trauma from those actions.
Many souls of the killed Native Americans were still there traumatized, and could not find the light.
The cleansing of this place was very painful, I could feel the pain and the sorrow of the killed and tortured Native Americans.
I created a vortex of Light and the souls could finally go to the light and let go of the old trauma and pains.
The years between 600 and 1800 based on the Gregorian earth calendar, have still a very strong influence on the thinking of earth humans today.
Many superstitions and hate energies of today, have their root in those times,and are the reason why many earth humans don't develop Cosmic Love in the heart and a higher consciousness.
(Since thousands of years millions of earth humans died because of religious fanaticism, dogmas, superstitions and greed for power, land and gold.)
In this period of time earth humans had hundreds of wars, were millions died because of religious fanaticism, superstitions and greed for power, land and gold.
Modern historians begin to figure out, that the years between 600 and 1800 is the time were priests and kings changed the calendar and the documents about the historical person Jesus many times,
to match their medieval believes and superstitions, and to easily control the masses with fear and scare mechanisms and convince people to follow the church cult.
(Medieval Times: Priests and kings invent a bible and a calendar to control humans with scare mechanisms superstitions, military and religion.)
And because these documents were copies, from copies, from copies, translated from different languages and from many different people, it has been added even more errors, superstitions and misinterpretations.
The modern Gregorian earth calendar is based on creations and beliefs from medieval priests, who set the first day of the calendar on some day that they decided is the day of the birth of the person known as Jesus.
Before that, earth-people were calculating the calendar with other believe systems.
The modern earth calendar can only be used for approximate dates in the past 2000 linear earth years.
But it cannot be used for calculating cosmic events in the Universe.
The Cosmic Awareness, the Source,does transformations and cosmic changes, when the time and energy is right. It is not using linear earth calendars.
It is historically proven that the medieval times were the times were the church-cult-military were torturing and killing millions of humans in the name of an imaginary"god" and became rich by stealing other countries.
Greedy Priests and Kings from England, Spain, Portugal, France and Holland have send hundreds of killers and criminals to conquer many places like the American continent, many islands in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, many places in Africa, India, Asia and Australia,
in order to kill, to make slaves, to steel from people and to force them to follow the church.
This is documented very well by earth historians and it's easy today for everybody to get this information.
Those killers created a very huge negative karma and they have to clean it in many lifes.
Just the Spanish conquest-killing trips lasted almost 200 years, from 1402 until 1600 and there were many different conquerors with many ships and hundreds of soldiers.
In these times, over 100 million Native American Indians were killed brutally, in the entire American continent, in the name of the church and the greed for gold.
Almost 90% of the population died. It was the biggest genocide in the last 10,000 years and created an extremely negative karma to the killers.
The spanish church-soldiers flayed them to death by forced labour, and massacred them in the cruelest way.
They hanged "for the glory of Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles" as they said, groups of 13 Indians over a fire, so that they suffocated and burned simultaneously.
They drove the Indians in pits with pointed stakes, mutilated them or they dropped their children to be eaten alive by wild dogs.
The men, women and children who survived, were forced to obey the church as slaves to satisfy perverted fantasies of priests and soldiers.
These hired killers from the European kings and priests were the founders of the modern American world as we see it today, after they almost killed all the Native American Indians.
The results of these evil actions are visible until today and the negative energies are still influencing earth humans in the mind to act negative.
It created thoughts of racism,religious hate, violence and criminal actions, and it is keeping people from reqching a higher consciousness and social harmony.
It would be a sign of wisdom when all religious organizations today and some governments, would return all of their wealth to the country which they have robbed brutally, and give all their wealth to millions of starving people worldwide, and at the same time disband all their buildings of control, superstition, fear and lies.
Today the descendants of the Native American Indians are living in miserable poor conditions in deserts were you can't grow anything.
In 2011 visited the Hopi reservation in Arizona and I was very saddened to see how the people were living there.
The negative invaders forced them to live in deserts where they cannot grow food.
When we visited the poor villages, we saw that they are trying to sell dolls out of clay to survive.
The land there has a negative energy, similiar to the lower astral dimension.
If you talk with people here you realize that most have lost the knowledge and the connection to the old wisdom.
Most people have been changed by the modern society and have an alcohol drinking problem.
The different tribes are divided and separated.
If they would unite and concentrate on creating transformation energy, they would be able to change their situation.
Here we can see the old saying "divide and conquer" in action, because the violent invaders, divided the different tribes, separated them from the old knowledge, forced them to learn the language of the invaders and forced them to live a life of misery, poverty, alcohol and hopelessness.
Evil actions are creating negative Karma to those who create this energy, and this karma comes naturally back one day, because it is the universal law of cause and effect.
So it is not by accident that there are many natural disasters in the American continent.
The planet is trying to clean the negative energies on his body.
In ancient times, people were not only be killed in wars, but also for the amusement of the kings, for religious offerings and those who wanted to see others suffer and die.
(Rome, Colosseum: thousands of humans and animals suffered and died)
One of these places was the Coliseum in Rome.
Thousands of people were killed here for entertainment and religion.
Killed by the sword or being eaten alive by lions.
You can imagine the negative energy stored in this place and the thousands of traumatized souls who are still here and can't find the light.
So I went here too, to do energy cleansing and freeing many souls.
Another religious brutal killing in Rome in medieval times was the method called Mazzatello.
It was a killing used by the papal states from the 18th century until 1870.
Those who did not obeyed to the papal control, were executed on a public square in Rome by cracking their head with a big sledge-hammer and a throat cut with a knife.
Rome is one of the places that need a lot of energy cleansing. That is why I did here lightwork too.
(Roman negative karma of religious cults)
On many other places on earth, fanatic religious people killed and tortured millions of people and many are doing it until today.
(Millions of humans died because of religious cults and negative leaders. Millions of humans are suffering because of superstitions and greed for power and control.)
This negative energy is influencing the behavious of modern earth society.
In medieval times, between the 13th and 18th century the Church cult established the total control with the inquisition.
Today's historians estimate that they killed over 10 million humans just in the European area.
Countless people have been stuck for years in dark dungeons, tortured by instruments of torture and forced into a "confession".
Their property was confiscated and fell in large part to the church; their relatives were mostly destitute on the streets, and no one dared to help them.
In the meieval times, almost every castle had a torure-room, to torture and kill those who did not obeying the orders of church and military.
Many souls who suffered and died in those times are still blocked and traumatized in those places and they can't find the light.
That is not a cloudy, mystical thing. That is higher spiritual science that is visible to spiritual people.
Many of those places need an energetic healing with Comic Love, to purify the old traumas and help many souls who died in those times,
to find the light and continue with their development.
Energy does not disappear just because it happened a long time ago.
A negative energy can stay at a place for a long time, if nobody transforms it into the energy of love.
I went to many castles, torture rooms and church-tombs in the middle of Europe, in order to help traumatized and trapped souls to find the light.
Sometimes it is possible to capture with an infrared camera the souls who are finally free. They appear as orbs of light.
Anybody who has a powerful Love Frequency in his aura should do this cleansing in places with negative energies.
We continued our long lightwork tour and we visited one of the best vortex places on Earth at Mounts Shasta.
This is the place where the spiritual Lemurians fled after the destruction of their continent.
(Charging with the energy of nature, receiving energy from Lemurians, and sending healing to planet Earth)
They are living now below Mount Shasta in the 5th dimension.
We came here to charge ourselves with the energy of the mountain vortex and the energy of the Lemurians,
because we were planning to use this energy later to purify Hawaii, the last remaining of the sunken Lemurian continent,
were the old energies of the destruction are still influencing the planet.
As we made our mediation on Mount Shasta, we could feel the presence of the Lemurians in their fine matter state.
They gave us light energy for the next lightwork that we were planing on Hawaii.
Our next stop in our lightwork Tour were the giant redwood trees in California in the Muir woods.
They are 115 meters high and some have a diameter of 12 meters.
(Charging with the energy of nature, and sending healing to planet Earth)
Those trees store powerful energies because they have stored cosmic energy since 3200 years.
Trees are antennas for cosmic energies and the older they are, the more energy they have stored inside.
At places with good energy, you can take pictures of many Orbs.
So we came here to charge ourselves with the good energy from the trees.
Charged with powerful light energy we were ready now to do our lightwork on Hawaii in April 2012.
We visited big island and Kauai, in order to spread our Light energy across all the island-chain of Hawaii.
Our lightwork was the first real energy cleansing since thousands of years on these islands.
If you visit Hawaii and you are sensitive to energies you will feel that Hawaii is one of the most significant places from past times which still have unsolved negative energies.
It is the place where the continet of Lemuria were destroyed in a terrible war with the Atlantians in the pacific ocean.
Many traumas and negative energies were created at the end of the Atlantian times, because some Atlantians thought they are gods and they used cosmic energy for wars.
Those Atlantians who caused this disaster have a negative karma to clean, that is why they are incarnated many times on Earth to clean their karma.
I met many of those who are incarnated currently on earth and many have still the arrogant attitude and are insulting lightworkers who are talking about what they did in the past.
The Hawaiian islands are the highest peaks of the sunken Lemurian continent.
The big destruction on Lemuria, created a crack on the earth surface and the lava started to erupt the highest mountains became volcanos.
In this disaster millions of people suffered and died and the negative energy created there is influencing this planet since thousands of years.
In the pacific ocean we can find many places with negative energy like the cannibal islands of Fiji, Samoa, Papa new Guinea, and Hawaii.
The negative energy on Hawaii attracted many brutal warrior tribes from Polynesia around the year 700, and the wars and brutal rituals they had there, attracted many lower astral entities and demons.
A sentry who neglected his post might have his brains bashed out by a superior or be executed by strangulation.
An enemy captured in battle might have his entrails removed and every bone methodically broken while still alive,
so that his body could be "bundled up" and carried off the field as a sacrifice for the demons they were praying to.
Wars were continued since 1819.
Because these islands are remote and far away from populated places, the old energies could survive there for thousands of years,
because there were not enough other positive energies to purify the old negative energies.
Many local people are still living the old rituals of superstitions from the past, because many of them are reincarnations of the past inhabitants.
Of course there are some exceptions on these islands too, but they are not enough to clean the negative energies.
First we visited Big Island, and the only positive energy that we could feel here were the dolphins at the two step beach and some untouched places in nature.
我们首先到达大岛,能感觉到的唯一正能量来自two step海岸的海豚和一些原始自然界的地点。
Before you meet dolphins you should meditate and create the right energy.
(Charging with the positive energy of dolphins and a sea turtle.)
Dolphins are sensitive to energies and can read your mind and feelings.
Swimming close to a dolphin is one of the best experiences you can make, if you meet them with cosmic love in the heart.
We spend the first day swimming with the dolphins, and playing with a sea turtle.
(Cleaning negative energies on Hawaii)
The next day we went to the south of big island to gree sand beach.
The beach is green because the sand consists of green crystals.
So we meditated there to use the crystals as a magnifier for our light energy.
(Watching Pleiadian light-ships at night)
At night we were meditating at south point, were we saw some lightships of my light-brothers again.
Light-ships hovering over water and giving greeting signals
The next place we visited was the Pololu Valley, were we connected with the nature and charged ourselves on trees with small vortex energies.
We used energy to do a cleansing meditation again.
After our energy work, the weather became too stormy to continue with the cleansing.
If you use a powerful light energy to cleanse a place, you will often notice that the nature will help you with the cleansing power of wind and rain.
On Big Island a sensitive spiritual person can feel and see many demons that are staying at many spots around the island in the lower astral dimension, along with many deceased Hawaiian warriors, because they were attracted from the cannibalism, brutal sacrifices and wars of the past inhabitants.
Those negative entities are influencing many of the modern inhabitants to act with hate and take drugs, because they feed on negative energy.
One of these spots is the castle at Puu-kohola Heiau.
其中一个地点就是Puu-Kohola Heiau的城堡。
When we sat down to meditate and send light, many deceased Hawaiian warriors started to attack us and were trying energetically to push us down the hill.
With our Light-energy we could stay safe and free hundreds of victims who were killed in that place but could not find the light to leave the place
and were hold back from the ancient warriors and the negative entities.
The negative lower astral entities on Hawaii did not like the Light that we brought with us and they attacked us many times, either personally, energetically or they were influencing negative people to attack and threat us.
some of those who were influenced and attacked us with furious hate, were local people who claim to be spiritual, but in reality they have heavy ego and hate energy stored inside, and that is why they were manipulated by those negative entities.
In a negative place you can test your degree of spiritual consciousness.
You can see for yourself if you have a powerful loving energy or not.
If you have a high spiritual consciousness with ral cosmic love in your heart and no ego or arrogance, no negative energy can manipulate you in order to create harm to others.
If you have ego, arrogance, envy, jealousy and other negative emotions, you are an easy victim for negative lower astral entities or lower astral parasites.
And there lies the lesson that possessed people with ego have to learn.
Many unspiritual people are channelling evil disguised entities from the lower astral dimension but they are not able to recognize this, and falsely think that they have contact with lightbeings or spiritual extrateresstrials or with Jesus or other spiritual teachers.
(In order to satisfy and justify their lust for ego. hate.jealousy, war. control. superstition and hypocrisy)
I met Jesus in the Astral Dimension many times and he is very saddened that many humans are misusing his name in order to satisfy and justify their lust for ego,hate, jealousy, war and control over others.
No spiritual being wants to be worshipped because that is against the cosmic laws.
(Channeling is not a sign for being spiritual)
(Channeling is only a sign that somebody is receiving energy from other beings)
I have seen very evil people who could channel demons on purpose.
I have seen Shamans in Mexicao and Nepal who were possessed by demons.
They had no control of their actions and were screaming to others with hate.
So channeling is not a sign for being spiritual.
To be spiritual means to use Cosmic Love Energy in the heart, which needs to be developed with training and wisdom over many lifes.
People who are channeling have to be very careful and aware of whom and what they receive information.
If yor are channeling a demon that is disguised and claims to be Jesus or a spiritual extra-terrestrial,
this entity will tell you to go against loving people, against lightworkers, against people who are promoting Cosmic Love.
(Be careful and aware of whom and what you are channeling)
If you are channeling this kind of entities, you will have hate and arrogance in your consciousness and you will use it to harm others, in order to feed and satisfy the entity.
The last day on Big Island we did a long meditation at the spencer beach, were we charged ourselves with the energy of the sun.
A sun is a portal where the energy of the Source comes through.
In this meditation first you meditate with closed eyes, and when the sun is lower and red, you are looking directly inside the sun, and you absorb the cosmic energy through your eyes.
You fill yourself with cosmic energy and you are ready for the next lightwork.
After six days of cleansing on Big Island, we went to the island Kauai.
If you visit the island Kauai you can sense a slightly better energy that on big island, due to the fact that most of the island is not inhabited by humans, because there is a rich vegetation.
At the outer edge of the island we experienced many spots where deceased people from ancient times and many demons are living since thousands of years on this island, because nobody started to cleanse these energies with real powerful cosmic light.
We visited many place around the island.
In the beginning, we went to places with good energy in the forest, to charge ourselves and be ready for the negative places.
Another place with good energy was the beach called secret beach located in the north.
It is called like that because it is hidden behind a forest.
Only after you follow that path down through the forest, you can reach the beach with no tourists and natural energy.
The next day we visited Ke-Heiau Beach.
Here hidden between the forest you can find a plateau over the beach with old ruins.
In ancient times people have been practicing here brutal sacrifices and killings, so you could feel the negative energy radiating from this place.
With the help of lightbeings, we started to send light energy to this place in order to clean the energy.
The demons that were controlling this place did not like this and started to attack us.
In this moment if you don't have a powerful love energy shield in your aura those entities can penetrate in your energy field and possess you and use you to attack the others.
And this is exactly what happened to one of the participants.
He got possed by evil demons and then he started to scream out loud like insane and attacked the others with insults.
From that time on, he was always evil to others and he was not willing to get the help of the others.
This is happening sometimes to people, so they can see for themselves at what level of consciousness they REALLY are, and it is a warning signal for them that they are walking on a path of darkness and should change the direction.
(A whale thanked us for cleansing negative energies on Kauai-Hawaii)
After our cleansing, a whale appeared and thanked us for the energy work that we did.
If you want to do advanced Lightwork where you cleanse negative places, it is very important to have a real powerful love frequency without hidden ego, arrogance or other hidden negative emotions.
If you lie to yourself, you can get possessed and you can bring yourself and others in danger, because you will attract what you are radiating.
If you want to be spiritual, you have to be honest to yourself and others and work on your inner blockages or negative emotions.
In a lightwork meeting, the energy of cosmic light will reveal any negative energy that one may has hidden in the consciousness.
In a meeting with real lightworkers the energy is accelerated and you have the opportunity to learn many lessons in a short time that you normally would go through in a period of many years.
A lightwork meeting is energy work and you have to realize that you will face lessons that your soul wants to master faster.
This can be also activated even by just being close to a real spiritual teacher.
Spiritual teahcers are vortexes of cosmic light and their energy works, even when they don't say anything.
Many people don't like it that the energy of cosmic light, unmask them and brings everything to the surface.
So they start to attack and insult the spiritual teacher and others, and they create more negative karma that they have to solve in the next life.
Hate, ego and arrogance is always blocking your spiritual development.
It is creating a life with problems and diseases in this and the next life.
If you don't heal the old negative energy, you repeat many lessons in many lifes
until you master the energy of cosmic love in the heart and consciousness.
That is how the cosmos works. It is a cosmic principle of the Existence.
The next day, we wanted to do a boat trip to Kalalau beach.
Here we experienced drunken boat drivers who even offered us drugs.
They were controlled by the entities of the island with the mission to bring us in danger on the sea.
If you do advanced lightwork and want to clean negative places, you often see negative entities who are controlling this place and want to attack you, either directly or by using other people with negative energy.
In difficult situations you can see for yourself, if you are really spiritual or not.
In easy situations, many people may pretend to be spiritual, but in difficult situations you can see their real energy.
There are many tests in life and many teachings that everybody goes through, in order to master real spirituality.
If you are in difficult situations and you can keep your love energy and compassion in your heart without hate and ego, you have mastered the lesson.
If you are in a difficult situation and you act with ego, hate, arrogance or jealousy, it would be wise to start working of deleting the negative karma in this life.
Because the energy that you have in your consciousness and heart, will determine the situation of your current your next life.
So it is wise to start to use cosmic love in the heart, and apologize to everybody you have caused harm and pain.
Despite the evil attacks from demons and extremely negative people we did energy cleansing on many spots on Big Island and Kauai, with the help of Light-beings.
But because there are many layers of negative energies on Hawaii, many real lightworkers should go there and clean as much as they can.
(Pleiadian Light-ships of my star-family changing form and color and hover over the pleiades)
There are many other places on Earth with negative energies that need cleansing, in order to create loving energies and a peaceful society on this planet.
Some places we can visit physically, and in some places like places with war, we can send energy from the distance.
Our Lightwork tour in March and April 2012 was a big success, were we created cosmic love energy, in order to heal planet Earth.
(Many thanks to the friendly, loving participants of the lightwork, who helped to cleanse negative energies and create Cosmic Love. This planet needs more people like you.)
Universal Lights and Love to you, ALAJE
We helped many souls who were blocked since thousands of years in negative places, to get free of old traumas and they could get back to the light, were they can plan their next incarnation and next level of development.
Earth needs a lot of energy healing on many places with old and new negative energy.
On higher developed planets, there is no negative energy at all.
That is why they are in tune with the Cosmic Awareness, and are living in joy without any problem.
This could be possible on Earth too, if everybody would use cosmic love in the heart and nobody would use hate or ego anymore.
It depends always of the behaviour of a planetary civilization, if the planet is a place of harmony or a place of disasters, violance and suffering.
Everything is energetically connected in the Universes with fine matter cosmic energy.
(Active Harmony and Cosmic Love in your Heart with sounds from higher dimensions of Light.
Create a planet of peace and harmony.)
Your thoughts, emotions and actions are energy and are creating the reality that you see around you.
Being in tune with the Existence by using universal Love in daily life, is the meaning and lesson of life.